Sun and Moon show April Fools cast incorrect quotes:

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Eclipse, done with Sun's attitude: "Here you are, A nice hot cup of coffee"
*Hands it to sun*

Sun: "'s cold"

Eclipse: "A nice cup of coffee"

Sun: "ugh- tastes terrible"

Eclipse: "a cup of coffee"

Sun: " this even coffee?!"

Eclipse: "a c u p"

Eclipse, dramatically: "She was poetry, but she couldn't read"

Bloodmoon: "His name was jarred, he was nineteen"

Harvestmoon: "Watch that scene, dig it the dancing queen-!"

All three of them: "AAAAY MACARENA!"

Sun: "...horrible job, everyone-"

Eclipse: "...why are you smiling?"

Bloodmoon: "Cant I just be happy?"

Harvestmoon: "Sun tripped in the parking lot..."

Moon: "You're petty as fuck..."

Sun: "You mispronounced pretty, idiot"

Eclipse: "What does "take out" mean?"

Moon: "Food"

Bloodmoon: "Dating"

Lunar: "Murder"

Sun: "All three if you're brave enough"

Earth: *Falls down the stairs*

Moon: "Oh my god are you okay?!"

KillCode: "Stop falling down the stairs!"

Sun: "How did the ground taste?"

Earth: "Is anyone d-"

Moon: "Depressed?"

Eclipse: "Drained?"

Lunar: "Dumb?"

Sun: "Disliked?"

Earth: "...Done with script reading...are you all okay?"

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