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(warning this is angst. TW: Talk about SH and talk about abuse.)

Stan hates going home after school, actually he hates going home at all. That is why he asks the other losers if he can spend the night. most of the time they say yes because they just Stan wants to hand out. But what Stan is really doing is trying to get away from his parents. His parents are both vurbaly and physacliy abusive. None of the losers know about it. most of the times Stan goes to school in a sweater and pants. The only time he dosnt come to school with clothes that are not covering his limbs is when he goes to Bills house to ask for some clothes. Bill of course says yeah because he is a good friend and loves stan not just in a friend way. but Bill dosnt get confused when Stan always wears sweaters and sweat pants. Today stans mom was yelling at him because it was laundry day and stan had no clean clothes. Stan starts crying then runs out the house.  He then gets in on his bike and goes to bills house having a full on panic attack. stan gets to bills house and knocks on the door. "BILL!!!..." stan yells for him. bill quickly runs down the stairs and opens the door. Stan quickly hugs Bill crying and shaking like crazy. "hey hey.. wh-whats w-w-w-wrong?" Bill says as he picks stan up and closes the door so they can go up to bills room. Bill walks up the stairs still holding stan. "o-o-ow..." Stan says looking at his arms that have at least forty fresh and healed cuts. Bill walks in his room and shuts the door. "wh-wh-whats w-w-wrong?" Bill says then sets stan down on the bed and looks at stans arms. "stan! Holy shit your arms!" bill says and looks at stan worried. "i-i couldent stop...they kept yelling and hitting me.. i-i-i was scared bill..." stan says crying even more. "who was hittig you stan?" bill says as he sits next to stan. "my parents.. they would lock me in my room and beat me before school everyday.. so i cut to distract myself.. bill i had to steal other peoples food at school and sneak it home because my parents wouldnt feed me.." stan says as he looks at bill still crying but worse. "im sorry stan.. im sorry.." bill says and start crying.

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