Chapter 28

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As Jay had a last-minute commitment, he asked Sunghoon to return the English thesis to his friend, since he was already on his way to see Heeseung anyways.
So Sunghoon found himself awkwardly standing in front of the student council room with Kim Su-Jin's son's English thesis in hand.

Most people were in class, so he was fortunate that no one accosted him—he wasn't ready to interact with fans yet.

The door slowly opened, and the student council members filed out one by one, Heeseung and Kim Sunoo being the last to leave.

"Hi hoon."
Heeseung waved and walked up to him as soon as he spotted him, with Kim Sunoo following closely behind.

"Hi" He nonchalantly replied, turning to look at Sunoo, who respectfully nodded to show respect for his senior.
"Hello, I'm Kim Sunoo, my sister's a huge fan"

"I know you, I saw the vids of you playing the piano, you're really good"

"Thank you~" Sunoo smiled. And as an honest male to another, he found him stunningly pretty.

Like the kind of pretty that would let him get away with things, the kind of pretty that probably made modeling agency scouts approach him on the street, hoping to sign him up. The kind of pretty that, when meeting him for the first time, would lead people to ask if he was an idol or at least a trainee.

"Thanks? But why do you have it?"

"I was there when you gave it to him, you were in a big hurry and didn't see me I guess—and when he tried to tell you you were already running away" he shrugged.

Sunoo blinked, and Sunghoon spoke again. "I was going to wait for Heeseung to finish his meeting anyways so I offered to give it to you, since you happened to attend that meeting too."

Heeseung gave Sunoo a pat on the back, "You wouldn't have had to sprint all the way here or give Jay the wrong thesis if you were an organized individual, Sun"

"In my defense, the only reason I was running so fast is because you are most definitely a retired serial killer who was ready to end my days if I didn't make it to the meeting in time—and I'm not planning on dying until I meet Park Jimin and get him to blow me a kiss" Sunoo flashed a proud smile.

Sunghoon chuckled a little. "Wow, you have your priorities set straight"
"And how, may I ask are you even planning on doing that?" Heeseung sneered, rolling his eyes.

"I don't need to put much effort into it, I'll go to their concert and he'll notice my undeniably attractive face and fall in love right away."
Sunoo's confident response made Sunghoon snort.

Kim Sunoo was a bit delusional.


"Do you want to go ice skating?"

Sunoo supposedly had no idea how to even put ice skating shoes on, yet still asked to go skating with Sunghoon, just because he thought it was a shame that he lost interest in such a 'beautiful sport'.

It was funny to see him waddle around like a penguin in shoes that probably felt too uncomfortable after such a long time.

Sunoo fell as soon as he stepped onto the ice. Sunghoon didn't even think it was possible to crash down the millisecond you touch the frozen surface.
Sunoo scolded him, telling him he'd make an awful male lead in a drama, and Sunghoon couldn't remember the last time he was playfully scolded by someone who wasn't Jay, Jake, or Heeseung before now.

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