CHAPTER 2: The Strong Ones

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Light of sun gently illumated the whole arena, sounds of applauses, whistles, and cheers could be hear into the entire stadium.

As the first match ended to shion's victory. Shuna spin the roulette wheel again at a fast pace speed and slowly stop to at Diablo, then spin the wheel again and when the roulette wheel stops its motion. It point to carrera.

"Alright second match will begin shortly, contestants get ready!" (Shuna). As she announce in a referee tone.

Diablo is extremely relax, and mean while carrera on the other hand is on a bad mood expression.

"Dammit why it has to be Diablo?!" (Carrera). She murmured onto herself.

I already know the circumtances of this fight so I'm not gonna even bothering to watch it. I just hope carrera would be able to atleast put up a good fight for Diablo.

As Diablo deliberately laughs.

" Kufufu, there'sn't a need for you to win this match, but I'll let you make the first move" (Diablo). He tries to intemidate carrera.

"Huuhh???...don't make a bluff and stop boosting yourself. If I can't win then I can prove my self somewhat worthy opponent" (Carrera). She replied confidently in cold tone.

"Worthy you say? Kufufu please will cease to speak such highly word-" (Diablo). The moment he said those words. A sound of a gun resounded in the arena.

"Quit the chatter and come at me will you" (Carrera).

Diablo respond in a vague smile.

He kicks the ground in unstoppable speed faster than the normal eye could be see. And in a next moment his right infront of carrera's face.

With his razor sharp blade scisssor claws, he tried to cut carrera into five pieces. But she dodge Diablo by crouching down.

(What an unpredictable speed) thought by carrera who's in a predecament situation.

She regain her posture and shot multiple Necrosis bullet rationally without a second thought but Diablo repelled all her bullets like nothing, since she knew her winning chance against Diablo is nonexistent. So she leap back and use her trump card and at the same time she activate her ultimate skill¦ Extinction king abaddon [Gravity collapse].

A force comparable to a black hole, the arena, stadium, the whole coleseum shakes as if a violent tremor of earthquake occur. But just instance I've activited [Covenant king Uriel] an absolute defense barrier was surrounding the whole arena, the attack of carrera which turning into a localized small black hole, but her [Gravity collapse] cannot exceed it's range in the stage arena as it was being nullified by [Covenant king Uriel].

Diablo who's in the center of carrera's attack seemingly unfazed by her ability. It goes to the point where he is withstanding the gravitational force of a black hole.

While carrera had her chance to Release her remaining abilities.

(This is becoming trouble some, I don't have any capabilities to harm him nor countermeasure) Thought by carrera.

(But whatever, I shall use all of my last resorts. Combining everything in my arsenal).

[Abyss annihilation], [Judgement bullet] plus [Remove bullet] along with [Eraser bullet] and her ultimate skill¦Extinction king abaddon. Combined all of it together, carrera created her final attack. Shoot it out.

"Eat this [Extinction ray Canon]!!!" (Carrera). When she pointed her gun at Diablo a torrent of dense anti spirit magic energy was shot on Diablo.

"[Time of allurement]" (Diablo). The surrounding stopped time. Including carrera's attack.

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