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Hands still clutched around the front cover of the Daily Prophet, Clara apparated to Remus's flat. The man had sent an urgent owl, moments after she had read the headline, telling her to meet him there, instead of their original destination. She knew why, of course. Though he hated talking about it, about Sirius's alleged betrayal, there was no avoiding it now.

She had barely tapped the door, before it was swung open, revealing a frazzled man. His hair was messy, his clothes creased and worn. He looked dreadful.

Remus ushered her in, bolting the door behind her. In her panic, she had forgotten how he must be feeling, this news was one thing, the upcoming full moon could only be making things worse.

"Oh Remus," she sighed, "You should have told me, I would have brought my chicken soup!"

Remus looked like he was about to cry, but he chose instead to pull her into a tight hug. The two were silent as they embraced. Both struggled immeasurably, but were there for each other, because they both knew, that's all they had.

"I'm so grateful for you," he muttered, his voice rough, how it was after he cried.

"For my chicken soup? Or my amazing hugs?" she teased, pulling away and heading to the kitchen, knowing the man would follow.

She had been to Remus's apartment many times before and knew the layout well. It was small, a bit musty, but he had made it home. On the kitchen counter, much like the one she still grasped, a copy of the Daily Prophet sat, with their friend screaming, for the world to see.

Ignoring it, for the moment, she filled the kettle, before putting it on the hob. She turned to Remus again, with a sigh. Neither knew how to approach the subject, and neither knew what to say.

"I've got a job at Hogwarts," he suddenly announces.

"What? That's incredible!" she smiled, genuinely happy for the man, "What role?"

"Professor of Defence against the Dark Arts."

"Oh you'll crush that!" she grinned, thinking fondly of their shared school days, "You'd always help me with my homework for DADA."

His smile was gentle, but she could read his fear, the worry behind his eyes, "What if... what if they find out?"

Clara frowned, watching as he wrung his hands. Stepping forward, she took his hands in hers. They were pale, and covered in scars, some old, some more recent, the skin was rough and cold, but that didn't sway her.

"If they find out, they find out." She tells him, her voice surprisingly strong, "Nothing will change that you are an incredible man, and almost certainly an incredible teacher." She meant every word, "If anyone has a problem with that, I'll hex them myself."

Remus lets out a small chuckle, sending her an appreciative glance, "You'd do that?"

Clara didn't hesitate, "I'd do anything for those I love."

As if the words were a reminder, Remus pulls away, his face, somehow paling even more, "Would you help him?"

The words were quiet as if even thinking it was a curse.

Clara felt the edges of her vision go blurry, her heart was reaching up to her throat, the panic was returning.

"I love him," she manages.

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