CH1: 1st day of 7th grade!!!

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"BEEEEEEPPPP" The alarm went off...Awww,Man I need to get up,Can I just have another day off?! Oh well,I have to go to the bathroom and get ready,Meanwhile I listening to 'Wanna be Startin Something' i was dancing and singing...OMG it's 7:25am ALREADY!!! Okay I had to put on my Outfit which was:
"I ❤️ MJ" shirt,Black and white Converse and Black jeans DONE!! I ran out the Door to the garage,In the car and Just Wait,for my mom. OMFG it's 7:35am!!! ... ... FINALLY!!! My mom came,"Hurry up mom,Please I still need to find my Classes I'm gonna have!" So while my mom was driving we were listening to Smooth criminal...Finally We got there and I found everyone,My friends too! I was looking at the Chart....

Michael Jackson,The New TeacherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora