Dear @WallyDarling4

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Dear WallyDarling4 You are amazing. You are beautiful. There is no need for you to be insecure. You are so so beautiful just the way you are. I want you to know that. You are worth more than you think. You are beautiful, smart, kind-hearted, sweet, loving, graceful, hilarious, and elegant. I am forever thankful because I got a best friend like you who is also like a sister to me. I will cherish you forever in my heart. don't put yourself down like that bc it makes me so sad and i don't want you to be sad. and you're really pretty and we've been friends for a while and i think we can stay friends for a while but anyway i'm sure there's people out there for you that care about you also and not just me bc you're really pretty and a very nice and generous girl. so plz don't put your self down like that. you're an amazing person that anyone would be glad to have as a friend :) you're not ugly and you are very welcomed to the world. you're amazing and you deserved to be loved and whoever treats you like trash and dis respect well then those ppl are jerks. you are very much good enough for boys and all people:) we also really need to meet in person tho bc that would be so amazing. if i screw up our friendship ever in the future just know that
i'm gonna feel very sorry and just know that i'm never gonna hate you or dislike you. you're so amazing!!! you're not a nobody. and plz don't cry. you are too the best person in the world, especially to me. you mean the world to me and if i ever lost you as a friend i would cry be then who else would ask me if i was okay, if i was having a good day, actually talked to me and cared for me? like nobody does that besides my parents. so if i didn't have you as a friend then i don't even know who i would be. like where have you been all my life? you're everything i look for in a best friend and you're so fricken amazing, pretty and we have so many things in common. so don't ever say that you aren't pretty and that you aren't the best person in the world, be you truly are to me. and if other people don't see that then they're just plain old stupid and they need to get a pair of glasses or something. no you're just amazing. Just know you are important and  your so SO special..

Bye <3

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