A Powerful Cage: Part 3

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Baby Felix starts singing as Hime plays the piano, Stella is thankful to them

Baby Felix: (sings the lullaby) Lalala, lalala, lalalalalala, lalala, lalala, lalalalalala

Stella: (claps her hands) Beautiful singing voice you have Baby Felix

Tom: I hope they will be proud of you

Baby Felix: Thanks guys

Suddenly, Mrs. Sunnyman, Stella's mother, took Tom's hand and grabs Stella, slapping her in her cheek

Mrs. Sunnyman: You hurt your brother's feelings, let's go

Stella: Mom, your hurting me

Mrs. Sunnyman: Get in the car Tom, she will be locked up in her room

Tom enters the car, Mrs. Sunnyman punishes Stella for disobeying her own younger brother

Mrs. Sunnyman: And as for you young lady, it's punishment for disobeying your sibling like that

Stella: I didn't do anything, it wasn't my fault

Hime started to get angry at Mrs. Sunnyman, causing her to be jealous

Hime: Ugh, I hated it when Mrs. Sunnyman yelled at Stella like that, she is her daughter

Baby Felix saw Stella being punished by her own mother, Mrs. Sunnyman is a mean woman

Mrs. Sunnyman: Hey, let's go, get in the car, now

Meanwhile, Charlotte and her cousin Caroline escaped the disaster and finds the mines

Charlotte: We did it Caroline, we have to find the mines

Caroline: But what about our ancestors

Charlotte: I don't know

The girls saw Baby Kitty, she said that her boyfriend Baby Felix has his own new song

Baby Kitty: Have you girls saw that, Baby Felix singed a new lullaby song

Caroline: I remember that lullaby before, my mother used to sing this to me when I was born

Then, the girls saw Sammy, using her own heart

Sammy: Not yet, my mother used to sing this to my elder siblings before I was born and she dies

Charlotte: How did you learn that

Sammy: I gotta go to Hime's house, I'm gonna find Stella

As Sammy is running to Hime's house, she hears her mother Monica's lullabies before she dies while giving birth to her

Sammy: Oh mom, why did you leave me

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