A Powerful Cage: Part 4

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As Sammy arrived at Hime's house, she saw Hime being sad about Stella

Sammy: Hey Hime, what's the matter

Hime: Hey Sammy, Stella is yelled by her mother

Sammy: She is yelled

Hime: Yes, she was punished

Sammy: What, so that means she has been locked up in her room

Hime: Mmm-hmm

Sammy couldn't believe what she heard

Meanwhile, Mrs. Sunnyman locks Stella away in her room, making the girl sadden

Stella: Oh, locked up in my room forever, why does she doing this to me

Suddenly, Stella saw Baby Elsa knocking the window, giving her a letter

Stella: (reads the letter) Dear Stella, is me your father, you must to sneak out and bring your clothes in your bag, your mother was so mean, yours truly, your father (wipes tears)

Baby Elsa: It's okay Stella, your mother is such a evil witch

Stella: I know, I will be leaving at Hime's house today, she needs me

Baby Elsa takes Stella into Hime's house just like Baby Felix did when Felix gets angry at him

Later on, Felix is desperate at Baby Felix's disappearance, he is ran out of running, panting himself

Felix's POV: Don't worry Baby Felix, here I come, I'm sorry for yelling at you

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