Day Three (pt. 2)

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Heyyy. So, just to make this clear, I'm adding in one of my own characters in.....soooo yeah. This fanfic will have my own OCs in here, and if you want me to include your OC in this fanfic, comment on this story with the name of your OC, and a character introduction (name, age, family, likes and dislikes, background story, species [is he/she a titan shifter or not], is he\she in the military or not, if yes, what area [Scouting legion, Garrisons, Military police]) . First two people will get their OC mentioned in this fanfic. Enjoy

Anonymous POV

"Hey, how's the kid's head? You didn't hit him too hard?" Man #1 asked.

"Relax, I only knocked him out, not bash his skull in." Man #2 replied.

"Good, because we need both of them alive. And we have to try to get this crystal off." Man #1 said.

"Easier said than done." Man#2 muttered under his breath.

"Yeah yeah, just get to work." Man #1 murmured.

Levi's POV

I sat outside of the room, worried out of my mind. What if Erwin dies? I shook my head. No, he'll be fine. I'm sure of it. I stood around waiting for the doctor to come out. I sighed and paced the hallway.

"LEEEVIIIII!!!" I heard my name being called by a very familiar voice.

I turned around and saw Four-Eyes running at me.  "What is it?"

"How is Erwin doing?"

"I honestly don't know. The doctor said he was going to try to help him, but Erwin might not make it." I said, nearly choking when I said that he might not make it.

" will make! He will definitely make it!" Hanji said in a cheery tone, nodding as she talked.

I only nodded slightly before looking back at the door. I continued to pace the hallway until the door opened. The doctor walked out and looked at Hanji and I.

"I'm.....very sorry....The damage that the hydrochloric acid gas inflicted was fatal. I tried to save him, but we don't have the right equipment to do so. I'm sorry." The doctor said to us before leaving.

I stood there, my eyes wide with tears forming in my eyes. Erwin...died? Why? Who did this? Why did they do this? What was there reason? Where did they get their hands on hydrochloric acid? Questions were racing through my head as I slowly walked forward in to the room. I looked down at Erwin's dead corpse. I frowned and hid the fact that I was dying inside.

"How would someone in the military get a hold of hydrochloric acid? It's only available out on the streets, and it's extremely expensive." I said, looking up at Hanji.

"I-I don't know....Oh! T-Thats right...I...have something to do..." Hanji sniffled and wiped away a tear, and ran out of the room.

I watched as Hanji leave the room, before letting my tears stream down my cheeks.

"You said you'd always be with me...You lied." I muttered, wiping away my tears, and kissing Erwin one last time before I left the room.

I looked back into the room at Erwin, laying in the bed as if he was peacefully sleeping. I wiped my tears again and grit my teeth. I wouldn't forgive the person that did this. I won't. I walked around the building, not caring where I was going until I felt a large rumble outside. I quickly looked out the window that was closest to me, and saw that the gate was being hit by an unknown force. I see The garrisons aiming their cannons before firing a few rounds before loading the cannons again. I lightly jogged over to the exit, not eager to see what was going on. I walked outside onto the gate and looked down. There, I could clearly see that is was a titan that was tied down, struggling viciously to escape. Each time the garrison's shot it with cannons, it would halt all movement, pause, and continue struggling again. It screamed and continued struggling, but i noticed that is was getting weaker by the minute.

"Corporal Levi." I heard my name being called.

I turned around and saw Reiner with Bertholdt.

"What is this titan? Why are you catching it?"

"Sir, it seems to have an intelligence, and we suspect that it is a titan shifter." Reiner said to me.

"I see, well catching it. Use any method possible." I said before looking back down at the titan.

It looked like a cornered animal, ready to give up. Just then, it gave out a loud and shrill squeal. I recognized this sound. This was the same sound as what the Female type titan made when we had almost succeeded in catching it.

"Let is go! Prepare forces! A swarm of titans are going to come!" I screamed, looking out into the distance.

I could already hear the titans running at full speed at the source of the sound. I grit my teeth and looked down at the titan.

"Fuck you." I said, and it seemed to register my words because it looked up at me.

It almost seemed like this monster was smiling at me. Moments later, the titan got up and ran away, leaving up with an army of titans to deal with.

Anonymous #2 POV

I climbed the nearest tree to me and relaxed. I can't believe I was almost caught. If it wasn't for my scream, I would've been caught and experimented on. I laid back onto the tree trunk and fell into a blissful sleep.

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