Chapter 1

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Look, there is a little person here, said the creature. She came over and investigated the little person. The little kid was in a weird clear blue dish, like a salad bowl. The child in the bowl was floating in a pool of water. In this pond of water there was misty foam, leading up from it there is a waterfall leading to a river, or more like a creek. The creature got the baby out of the dish and brought her to a cave where there were other cubs like the creature. The little girl was about three years old when she was found by the tiger. As Mira got older and learned how to talk, walk and climb trees, Mira began to call the tiger Z. As Mira got older she realized that she would need to learn how to feed and take care of herself and not be independent of Z. Mira built bows and arrows out of a nice curved piece of wood and some twine that the nearby villagers left when they spent time in the forest. On Miras fourth birthday, Mira felt tired of climbing rocks and trees and staying in the premise of where the cave is. So Mira broke Zs rules and left their home base. Mira climbed a hill and walked through a shallow stream that leads to a rocky slope that leads to the waterfall where she was found when she was three. Z noticed that Mira was gone. Z looked on the ledge where Mira would sometimes go to look at stars and she would also sit up there to see practically anything. From that view point you can see the nearby villages like the village named the big cat breath or some other villages that arent as popular. You can also see a nearby Ocean that Mira has never gone to before. Z looked on that ledge, but Mira wasnt there. But as Z peered down to where the stream was Z found Mira Walking through it. Z thought it was weird to see Mira getting wet because Mira hates getting Wet. Z went over to Where Mira was and scolded her for Wandering off. Z said how dare you go off in dangerous places like that with no way of protecting yourself Mira said come on mama Z i brought my bow and arrows for protection and the other cubs get to go wherever and i dont. That isnt far. Z replied '' because of your disobedience, you won't be able to go out and hunt for dinner with us. We will bring back your dinner for you. Why? Mom said Mira''. I want to practice and be able to test out my Bow. You heard my orders and you are going to stay here. Z said, with a strong rough roar. The reason Mira cant leave is because Z is worried that the people from the nearby villages would Find Mira And hurt the Cubs. especially Mira. Mira is special because she looks different from the rest of the people. Mira has a tail and ears like a cat. Mira also has behaviors of some cats. A few nights later Mira got up and snuck out of the cave again. So she went over the hill and over a rocky slope once again and back to the waterfall. But this time she followed the stream instead of walking through it because she hates getting wet. This time she got farther. But once again Z found her and made sure Mira got in big trouble. Mira kept trying to leave their home base. But each time Z kept finding her. One day when it was wet, windy and it was raining too. Z and the cubs went out Foraging and hunting for food. Mira got bored and fed up being locked up at home base. So Mira went around the back side of the cave and out to the stream and followed it. The stream led her to the Same Waterfall where Z found her. Mira found a grassy slope on the side of the waterfall. She climbed up it. There was a village that Mira was trying to Avoid. But on the other side of the village there were mountain ranges. Mira felt desperate to go there. Mira New that the only way there was through the town. She also Knew, if she wanted to get there fast she would need a nice night's rest. She found a shade spot in a crevice in a dead tree. She curled up in a tight ball with her long blue raggedy hair and tail covering her for warmth. Mira was dreaming About Humans and wondering if some humans are bad and good, if all humans are bad. Like how her Queen mother left her because of the King sleigh Aka evil king, Mira's Dad. Mira also dreamed about all the freedom she has, like how her brothers and sisters have. She is also happy to be safe. She also remembers all the lessons shes been taught by her Queen mother and from what Z has taught her. .The next morning Mira got woken up by the sunrise and by the noises of the village. Mira felt hungry. Mira knew that she was too close to Big Cats Breath village to hunt for food. Mira headed into the village to find food. She would need to be stealthy and not get noticed. Once she got to the entrance she found a shop that sells scarfs, blankets and shawls. She took a scarf and raped it around her head to cover her ears. Then she took a blanket and raped it around her body to cover her tail. Then she looked around a bit out of her curiosity. She saw some kids playing in the center of town where there was a water fountain. She also found neighborhoods scattered around the town. As she was walking through the town she was wondering if her Queen mother was looking for her or even scared for her. Eventually Mira found a food stand. Mira asked for some food. The salesman asked, What would you like? Mira pointed to one of the red drums. The salesman told the price of fish. Mira got worried because she didn't know what money was and she didnt even know what the salesman was talking about and then Mira left. Once the salesman left to go on lunch break Mira came back and got herself the fish she wanted. Mmm. i guess i should go find a safe place to cook my red drum so she went out the back side of the village. After she left she went off to the smaller part of the forest past the clearing where the village is. Mira found a good spot in the small forest and as she walked to the forest she collected firewood and other materials to use in the fire. Once she built the TP shaped bass for the fire. Then she spotted two pieces of flint. She rubbed them together and created a spark that caught on the tinder. Then she got two large rocks for both sides of the fire to hold up the red drum. After one of the sides got cooked, Mira flipped the fish over and let it cook on the other side. She got one of her arrowheads and used that to skin and cut fish. Then she ate fish. Z spotted an elk that got separated from his Herd. Then Z got in Her position among the bushes. Z waited until the elk was close enough. Z then attacked the elk and bit right above the withers. The elk bucket kicked and then Z got thrown off. The elk began to run away and Z began to run after the elk. While Z was chasing the elk. A Cub found a hole in the ground with a meerkat in the hole. As one of the cubs went to one of the holes the meerkat popped out of one of the other holes. Then the cub ran to that hole, but the meerkat came out of another hole. That kept happening several times and the cub got mad. So the other five cubs all went to a hole and as a team. That one cub was able to catch the meerkat. Z continued chasing the elk. The elk ran through a stream, and Z jumped over it. Eventually Z was able to catch the elk. All the way back in another village that's more urban and more poor then the big cats breath village, that has a nice castle and nice houses, shops and stores. This poor village had a family with three kids. Mom and dad are looking for a fourth child. To adopt. They visited orphanage after orphanage. One day they received a letter telling them about this kid who needed a forever home. The Greens family talked and had conversations among each other about this possible kid. Meanwhile I will tell you more about the king and queen. Queen Floresta is still in charge of all the villages and land. Queen Floresta loved Mira. But one day Floresta had to leave three year old Mira By the pond with the water running down to keep Mira safe. Floresta knew she would reunite with Mira. When Mira was left by the waterfall it was wet and windy. The waterfall got stronger and caused the water level to rise. Mira came down with the pond water level when the water level went down. Mira fluted under the waterfall. When Floresta got to the waterfall to get Mira back she noticed that Mira wasnt there. While Floresta had her attention on finding Mira. She was grabbed by her arm by Sleigh. Sleigh pulled Floresta closer so He could cover her mouth and so Floresta's back was against The evil king's back. Floresta was taken to a forbidden place by the castle. This dungeon-like place has two long buildings with a tall tower in the middle. The tower is used for the guard and the offices. The long sides sticking out of the tower are where the villains are kept. The queen Has blue eyes and has yellow, white hair with an ice blue highlight on her bangs. The Evil King has all black hair with brown eyes and a dark green cloak, He wears a long white sleeve shirt. On top of the Shirt he has a gray vest with metal plates for protection. The king was locked up inside that dungeon-like place after the disaster he created a few years back. From this day the queen is still looking for Mira. Mira wasnt the queen's only child. At that time the queen had a nine year old son And the queen's daughter was seven. After the Greens Family Got the letter About the kid who needed a forever home the Greens decided to visit the kid. This kid was really shy and had a really bad temperament. The Greens decided that this child wasnt for them and they went back home to their home village.

stay tuned for chapter two

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