Chapter 2

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While Mira was at that village she found some money on the ground. She went to the casino. She asked what place is this. The manager said this is a casino. you pay us to play games. If you lose a game you lose money, if you win a game you win yourself money it's simple. Okay. Do you have to be a certain age? There are only adults here? Yes you need to be at least twenty one to be here. Okay. I am a little bit lost and I would like to get some money to get myself a warm place to sleep and get some nice food and I am under age to really do anything. Well you could help clean the bathrooms for an hour. Okay said Mira. Once you're done with that Job i will give you some other Jobs. Yeah sure.The manager showed Mira how to clean the bathrooms. Then Mira was left there on her own to clean the bathrooms. Back at the forest, Z brought the elk back to the cave and the cub brought the meerkat back. When they got there Z went to get Mira. But Mira wasnt there. Z couldnt find Mira At home base, so Z looked for her at the view point, not there. Z peered over the view paint. Z couldnt find her. Z got really worried. As Z looked farther away from home base. A couple of people showed up And Z got scared. She didnt know What to do. The band of people looked at each other. The hunters began to throw spears at Z. Z began to run. Z knew that the Humans were faster than her but that didnt stop her. Z thought about ways she can stop the hunters. She realized their vehicles cant go on certain terrain. Z headed on rocky paths. That didnt work. Z found an old Abandoned house. The house is An A framed house. The boards are moldy and spongy and wet. Other parts of the house are brittle. Z noticed that on the outside of the house there were landmines. Some of the hunters jumped out of their vehicles and followed Z. Z jumped over the landmines. While some others stayed in their jeep. For the ones who got out of the jeep and followed Z stepped on the land minds. One of the men got their leg blown up at the hip. The bone was sticking out of the leg that was disattached, with a trail of blood, While the hunter was pushing himself away. He screamed in pain as the landmines continued blowing up. The other one was paralyzed and had a large cut from the top left to the bottom right of the face he too was screaming and groaning in pain as more of the landmines blew up. The other man has bruises and cuts and scrapes. One of the younger boys got their head blown up and was Dying. There were at least five injured and four are dead. The three that are in the truck are alive and not injured. The three plus the women in the truck attend to the injured. The female driver in the bulletproof jeep got the first aid box and found some old towels and rapped the injured man's hip and put pressure on the leg. The paralyzed man has a piece of metal lodged in the spine. The piece of metal was a long diamond shaped piece. It was fully encased inside his chest near his heart. Everybody was in so much fear and pain that they couldnt feel the pain. By that time the paramedics could see the guy laying without his head. The head was making groans, gurgling noises. The paramedics thought,, that was weird and thought, what is the point of saving that man without the head. The paramedics split up and took care of the guy with the missing leg and the guy that is paralyzed. At this point you guys must be wondering how did this one guy get his head blown up? how did his head touch the landmines, you may ask. Well, to answer your questions, the guy stepped on the landmine. Immediately after he looked down and at that very moment his head got blown off. But the medical team took the five injured back to the hospital. The other three and the women got back in the truck. And left the forest. To meet the injured men at the hospital because these people are not all bad people. Mira got tired of being in the village and wanted to have a break from being in this new territory so she headed out behind the village and past where she cooked her red drum and walked about a mile away from civilization thinking she was heading back to her home base. Then after an hour or two she began to realize she was lost hmmm, i would've gotten home by now. Well, maybe I shouldn't go back because Z will get really mad and upset with me. Mira thought to herself. So she decided to continue in the small forest. She came across the small fireplace where she cooked her red drum. Mira walked for about an hour or more. She got to a junction in the small forest where it meets the big forest where Z and her cubs live. Mira knew that. Mira stopped and thought to herself, while Mira was thinking she was spinning in circles looking around for alternative places to go. Then she saw this old building with wires around the house. 'What are these wires? What are they used for? Mira thought to herself. Then Mira noticed a trail of blood going into the bushes. Mira is a very curious person, like you already know. Of course. She followed the blood into the bushes. To her surprise there was a head that rolled down a hill from where the body was. Mira knew this person was already dead but she knew she had to save the man. Mira unraped her scarf and shawl and raped it around the headless body and applied pressure to stop the bleeding. Mira decided to take the guy and his head back to the cave. Z came running over and said where have you been? I looked for you and these hunters came chasing me and I was worried for you. You brought the hunter that tried killing me. Mira said. i know but you're forgetting that i am part human too. I have the right to fix and help this guy. while laying the guy on a table shaped rock that was laying on two other rocks. Mira went behind the waterfall where Mira was left when she was three. Behind the waterfall was a dark tunnel on the other side is a cave with a large tree through the top of the cave. The cave is very moist. Growing around the tree are these orange and yellow plants. That looks like poison oak. When Miras mom Floresta left her. These three petals flooded into Mira's Mouth. She felt sick and she vomited this milky white clear stuff. She felt pain in her back and on. She was in so much pain she could not forget that day. Mira said to herself if this flower would grow a tail and ears could it help stabilize this person or even grow back a head. Mira took this plant back to the man. Mira realized that the man could not swallow food. Mira went outside and got a stick. Then she used one of her small arrowheads and twisted the arrow down through that one stick. After she had a hole through the stick, Mira then made a thick needle-like point at one end of the stick. Mira took the plant and put it through the non-pointed end of the stick. She used another stick to push the flower towards the pointed end of the stick then Mira impaled the hunter's upper arm with the pointed end of the stick and used the stick to push the flower into the man's body. Mira watched as the skull began to form and flesh began to form around the skull. As more of the body got more functional the hunter began to scream in pain and confusion. Mira got some cold water to put on the hunters neck to help soothe the pain. Why did you help me? the man asked Mira ''well. I was out minding my own business when I saw you. When I came over to have a closer look, I knew you were already dead. But I wanted to try and see if I could bring you back. How did you bring me back from the dead? the man asked. Weeel, i dont know exactly, but for what I know is I gave you this huge orange and yellow flower plant thing. I dont want to say where because that is classified information. But anyway I injected you by using some sticks. As she showed him the sticks, while explaining how Mira made her contraption. Okay. how did you know that the plant will work? the man asked. Mira said. Well, I didn't exactly. Back when I was three years old. My biological Mom left me by a pool with a waterfall. These orange yellow colored flower petals floated into my mouth and now I have cat ears and a tail. It was just a lucky guess. I guess. How old are you? Mira asked. Man said "Twenty " What's your name? Mira asked. the Man said, It's Gunner. Mira said that's a cool name. Gunner said I don't like the name, it's a German name because I am German and the meaning is warrior or battler. Near the back of the cave, Mira heard Z calling her name. Mira come over here please. Z said with a strong rough sound to her voice. Gunner said Wait, that tiger is the one that my team and I were hunting. The tiger outsmarted use and went on rough terrain so our vehicles had trouble keeping up. She even found that landmine and she jumped it. While us dumb Asses stepped on them! And got ourselves killed or badly hurt or we almost died. Are you coming, Mira? Z asked again. Mira replied back, I am coming, i will be there soon, Yes, she is technically my stepmother Z. She found me at the waterfall pool where I found that plant Mira said replying to gunners statement about Z. Mira kindly excused herself from the conversation with the gunner to go talk to Z. Mira, I am so disappointed in you for bringing this dangerous human here. I am also mad at you for leaving our home bass. I was worried sick for you. You could have gotten your brothers and sisters in trouble because I had to go out looking for you day after day and I couldn't watch your siblings. Said Z. Mom, I think I should be able to be with other people. Be with my kind. You need to keep in mind that I am still mostly human. On top of that, why do you let the cubs leave and I can't? Mira answered it's because you're human. A human that looks different. A human that could get the rest of our kind Killed. Said Z. Mira was so upset that she didnt reply back to Z. Mira went back to Gunner and asked how are you doing? Gunner replied I am doing okay considering that my head got blown off and I died and some magical plant brought me back to life. That's good, said Mira. Gunner asked how are you capable of communicating with Z? I dont know. But I think it is because I learned how or that flower did something to me. Mira said. Gunner said okay. Can you communicate with Other animals too? Sometimes, I can communicate with some animals but not all of them. Mira replied back. It's the middle of the night and Mira was restless and could not sleep. Gunner was sound asleep. Gunner heard Mira getting up. Gunner lends over his rock bed at Mira. Did I wake you? Mira asked. Yeah, but I don't care. What's wrong? you seemed flustered about something. Gunner said. I am fine. I just want to go to the village. But I don't know how I can do it without getting in trouble. Why dont you ask that striped pattern cat if you can escort me to the hospital? Gunner said. Mira said We need to wait until morning. Z gets really grumpy if we wake her up at night. Mira said. The two of them went back to bed. It is the next morning. Gunner, Mira and Miras family got up at sunrise. To Mira's surprise Z came up and said why dont you escort Gunner to the town. Then you come back. So Mira and Gunner went to the town about the same way Mira went the first time. Gunner checked in his pockets for money because he spotted a clothing store. Gunner had one hundred dollars. He wanted to buy new clothes that are not covered in blood. Gunner said I want to go in here Gunner pointed to this wooden shack with a thatched roof for covering. I have enough money to get you something? Plus you did save my life after all and I soiled your shawl and your other thingy. Gunner said. Okay said Mira. The two of them headed in. Mira found a mirror. Next to the mirror there was a hair brush sitting on this wooden table. Mira is astonished about how tangled her hair is and how matted her tail and ears are. Mira grabbed the hair brush next to her and brushed her tail. Like if there was no tomorrow. While Gunner was waiting for Mira. He too was looking in a mirror too. Do I look good? Gunner asked. What do you mean? You look fine. Mira said I mean do I look the same as I did before my accident. said Gunner. Well. I only got to see your head after your accident. When it was detached from your body. But you still have brown hair with black and brown eyes. But your hair is shorter than it was thought. said Mira. Well that's good that the plant didnt affect the way I look or anything. Why dont you tell me more about yourself? You say that you were found by a tiger? yeah. When I was three years old I found a dish at the bottom of a waterfall. Anyway I don't want to talk about it here. Because I am weird, people will hurt me or my family. Mira said. Gunner said okay. After Mira finished brushing her hair, she then went off looking for new clothes. She looked in the kids shirt section but she didn't like that stuff. Gunner asked "why are you off exploring if you're still young enough to shop in the kids section?" Well cats age differently than humans and they learn differently and keep in mind that I was raised by a cat. Also I don't know how humans are raised and stuff. Mira spotted a dress with a pink background. It had a big green star and a

small black star. It had long sleeves and a black and white skirt. Dark green pants with a pink strip on them would go with the outfit. Can I get this outfit? Mira Asked. Sure. Gunner said. While he is looking in the men's section by the women's clothes. Gunner picked out a outfit

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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