Aliens are Falling from the Sky

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything beside my own characters. All rights go to Marvel Studios.

Chapter 1

"I told you it was supposed to be a secret!" I yelled at Dom as we ran through the busy subway. "I told you not to tell anyone!"

Well, I screwed up, okay?"

"Don't you understand? You can't screw up! I trusted you, you're the only person that knows! Well, not anymore..."

"Look, I'm sorry, El, all right? I'm sorry."

I sighed as we jogged up the stairs and onto the streets of New York. The sun was bright, the air was full of the sounds of car horns blaring and citizens chatting.

"It's just... I did trust you on this, Dom. No one was supposed to know. Heck, I only told you now, and it had been going on since I was six. I don't even live with my parents anymore, so it's not even a problem, and that's why I told you. It's going to take a lot to regain my trust, you know that." Dom groaned.

"I know. Don't make me feel any worse."

I punched him lightly on the arm. "I'll try not to."

Dom's face lit up. "Does this mean you forgive me?" I frowned.

"No. Not yet. Give me some time, and then we'll see."

Dom bit his lip and looked at the ground, and I blushed. Why was I blushing? Dom was my best friend. Yes, he's handsome, has a great personality, cares about the people he loves, is a total badass, always knows exactly how to make people laugh... no. Where am I going with this? I don't like Dom like that. I can't.

"El? You okay?"

"What? Yeah, fine, fine," I say as nonchalantly as I can. I have to stop thinking like that. Dom's going back to college next year, his last year before he heads in his own direction to become a doctor. He looks up at the sky.

"Hey, let's go get lunch somewhere. You up for that?"

I shrug. "Sure," I agree, and Dom links his arm with mine and we go skipping off down the street as I shout for him to stop. We recieve a few funny looks from people, but laugh and ignore it.

Enjoy life while you can folks.

We skid to a stop outside of my favorite cafe, and I grin at Dom. "You shouldn't have," I say graciously, mock bowing to him as we walk inside and ask for a table outside. We're seated quickly, and menus are handed to us. We order, and I lean back in my chair, squinting up at the tip of Stark Tower just visible over the top of the nearest building.

Tony Stark. The famous Iron Man. He seems kind of like a bastard to me, but I suppose I don't know him. Only that he has millions of dollars tucked away and all I ever see it used for is building his tower taller and taller.

"El, I really am sorry for telling Sesha. I thought it didn't mean as much to you now, since you don't live with your parents anymore, but obviously it still hurts."

I nod and look away. "Yeah, getting abused by your parents who are supposed to love you your whole life kind of leaves a lasting mark."

Dom looks at me pitifully, but I roll my eyes. "Don't look at me like that. I don't want your pity. It's over. Life goes on. I was strong, I got through it, I stood up to them."

"Yeah, but... Did they really beat you every day?"

I clench my teeth and nod again, and Dom shakes his head.

"God, El, I'm sorry. I don't even know what to say."

"Then don't say anything," I counter. "Not everything calls for words."

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