The Fury of Fury

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Chapter 6

After I change into more suitable clothing, Tony and I hop in his sports car, and we take off towards the coast. I'm not sure how I'm going to meet Nick Fury on the coast of New York, but Tony seems to know what he's doing, and I don't protest.

Forty minutes later, we're driving up the coast of Long Island, and after peeking up to admire the scenery, I pull out my phone and look through the many pictures of Dom and me. My eyes tear up at the sight of him, but I smile all the same.

After another hour, I'm impatient.

"Where're we going, Tony?" I snip, and he sighs, not taking his eyes off the road.

"We'll be there soon," is all he replies. I roll my eyes, and out of sheer boredom, call Clint. He picks up on the second ring, though the reception cracks on and off.

"I got to go, El, sorry. I'm about to board a plane, I'll call you when I get off!" he says after we have a short and quite broken up conversation. Tony glances at me with an offended look on his face.

"What?" I ask, and he makes a frowny face.

"You don't want to talk to me?"

"You're the one who won't tell me where we're going," I say. "And by the looks of it, we're going to run out of land soon."

"Yea, we're almost there. You'll see."

"Aren't we going to meet Nick Fury?"


At least he's honest about this, five minutes later we pull of the highway and park at a tiny beach a couple miles from any civilization. We sit silently in the car facing the ocean, until I spot a tiny speck in the distance.

"Do you see that? What is it? It looks like it's getting closer!"

Tony smirks. "That's Nick Fury."

I'm rather confused for a minute, until the speck gets closer. I recognize it as a huge hovercraft, and things begin to make more sense. We wait until the hovercraft lands in the water, then get out of the car. A small boat is already speeding towards us, and three minutes later I'm shaking hands with Nick Fury.

"So she's the one," he says slowly, looking me up and down. "I'm sorry this happened to you. You're being forced into this with no reason. You'll soon realize that being a "superhero" isn't fun and games. At all."

I nod slightly, and Fury turns to Tony.

"We need to start her training right now. She has the same power as the Tesseract, right? Has she gone to Asgard yet?"

"Yea," Tony replies. "She talked to Odin and he said—You know, you never said what Odin told you, El."

"Oh, uh...well, he just said..."

"Don't lie, Alienor," Fury says. "It'll just make things harder."

I sigh. "Okay, but please don't tell Thor yet. There were some... unexpected things that happened, and I don't want him worked up."

"Easy enough," Tony says. "Shoot."

I tell them all of it, including my conversation with Loki, and that I decided to trust him over Odin. When I'm finished, Tony nearly explodes, but Fury cuts him off.

"And you believe that Loki was telling the truth? After he destroyed Manhattan and killed so many people, including your best friend?"

"Yes," I say, not really believing it myself.

Nick Fury eyes me suspiciously, well, as best he can with only one eye. "Why?" he asks. "And don't even think about lying again."

"Honestly, I'm not sure," I reply. "He just looked at me in a way that made me think... maybe he wasn't cruel and he didn't mean for things to go that far, he was just damaged."

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