It Seems I Have More Powers...

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Chapter 3

The ride back to Stark Tower with Tony in his sports car is awkward. We don't say much, in other words, I don't say much. I guess it's kind of nerve racking that I'm riding in a car with a billionaire, while I myself have just quit my job to find a new one.

"Turn there, and my apartment is three blocks down," I point, and a few minutes later we arrive at my home.

"I'll just be a minute," I tell him, and get out of the car and unlock the door into my apartment building. Before I even get to my room, four people step out of their apartment and bombard me with questions.

"Who's outside?"

"Are they waiting for you?"

"That's a really nice car."

"New boyfriend," I lie. There is no way I'm going to tell anyone that Tony Stark is waiting for me outside of my house. "His dad bought him the car as a going off to college gift."

I nearly run into my apartment after that.

I stuff random things into a bag, extra clothes, pajamas, toiletries, and my ipod and headphones. I snatch my keys off the kitchen counter and proceed out of my apartment, where I nearly run into a woman dressed in ungodly tight pants and a crop top. Aimee Charger.

"Who's waiting outside, hm, El?" she asks sweetly. "Because if they're waiting for you, I'll be a bit worried. Did they hit their head?"

I roll my eyes. She's twenty five, not fifteen.

"Whatever, Aimee," I say, trying to walk past her. She steps into my way, and scrunches her eyebrows like she's talking to some little kid.

"I don't think you understand, El. I meant that you probably don't deserve him. He must be quite rich, just look at his car. And well known. Both things that I am. Not you. Why don't you let me go down there any talk him into some sense."

I feel my veins heating up, energy flowing through them.

Oh no. No, this can't happen. No one can know about this.

"Shut up, Aimee," I say through clenched teeth.

Calm down, El. Calm.

"And whatever happened to your other friend? Dom? He was cute, too. Did you lose him in the alien attack? Or maybe he lost you. Purposely."

And that causes me to snap.

"You shouldn't have said that," I say lowly. Aimee takes a step back.

"Why are your eyes glowing, El? What are you doing? Stop it!"

I stare at her, and her face pales quickly.

"Take all of what you said back," I order, but Aimee's stubbornness returns.

"Tell me who's outside."

I grin. "You want to know who's outside, waiting for me in that car?"

She nods.

"Tony Stark."

"Oh, of course, why didn't I guess-"

But power flows out of me and surrounds her, drowns out her screams, and then rushes back into me. And Aimee is gone.

I freeze. What just happened? Where'd Aimee go?

I run back down the stairs as fast as I can, ignoring the people who come out of their apartments to talk to me. I dash out of the building and get into Tony's car as fast as I can, slamming the door.

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