A lil introduction

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Hi ..
It's me Soph (Author) ..
So this little chapter is about how I found Aashiqui 2 and fell in love with the movie .. You can skip this if you want but eh ..

So basically we all know how Meme loves Jadoo , Right ? So I was pretty curious and watched "Koy Mil Gaya" .. It was actually SUPER good .. Jadoo is basically a E.T. rip off but meh I think he's adorable .. It has a similar story line as ET too ..

Anywaaay .. After I watched the movie I wanted to see if they were more cinematic masterpieces (lol) like this .. So I searched and searched and found *drum roll* Aashiqui 2 ..

I simply cannot tell you how much I love it alright ?
You will have post-depression for like the next 7 months but hey , That's only a teeny side effect right ?

It has the BEST hindi songs I've ever heard (Youll probably have some trouble pronouncing some of the words at first but after you get the hang of it, It's easier)..
The actress and actor that plays 'Arohi' and 'Rahul' have done a SPECTACULAR job .. Like maaaan , You'll cry WITH them as you watch the movie .. So kudos to all the actors and actresses ..
The storyline is amazing as well ..
The ending just SUCKS tho ..

So now that I've proclaimed my love for the movie , Nows time to tell you to WATCH THE DARN MOVIEEE 🔫..
I swear to god if you don't I'l- I'll READ YOUR SEARCH HISTORY ..

So anyway , Enjoy the story~ (lol)

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