Proof of Existence

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Dedicated to seeds and fruit.

The cycles of life, the patterns of the universe and the fruits of life have given me the courage to keep pushing this birth.
I began this project as an angrily jumbled mania of thoughts and emotions. Sitting outside of a class I was supposed to have been attending, I had no idea how I would inspire myself to keep going, but one day I realized I had a stack of somewhat organized poems and parts and made the decision to go with it. An instinct called me. I have found so much love through this challenging journey, learning how to listen to myself and to the rhythm of my own heart. It was not an easy thing to do. To break out of the plan I had already set in stone. But watching the perfect path crack as I hit it with a hammer was the most satisfying thing I could have ever done with my life.

I began to listen to what was really calling me. I hope that you can hear me now too.

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