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A couple hours later, you are eating your hospital dinner, with Georgie siting next to you messing with his bracelet, because hes nervous, you look over at him, and grab his hand, he looks up at you nervously, and you ask him whats wrong Georgie bear? Georgie looks down sadly, and says there were some complications with your brothers surgery, and he didnt make it. you start to tear up, but you look at Georgie and say I know ill be ok, I have you to help me through this. Georgie gets up from where he is sitting, and moves into your bed, to cuddle you. A little while later he gets up, and goes into the hallway, and walks back in with Missy, Sheldon, Mary, and George, and their meemaw, they all walk in with flowers, and balloons, and Missy runs over to you and says Y/n, I missed you so much. you look at Georgie quickly, and then back at Missy and say I missed you too, how is school going? Missy looks at you and shakes her head and says not as good, as when you would help me study for a test. you look at her and say have your dad or Georgie bring you here after school, and I can help you study Missy looks excited, and runs over to her mom and asks Mom, can you bring me here tomorrow so Y/n can help me study? while Missy is talking to Mary, Georgie comes over, and grabs your hand, you hear Mary say Missy, im not sure its a good idea for you to come to the hostpital everyday, I know you want to see Y/n, but if you want Y/n to get better, and able to come see you at the house shes going to need to get some rest. Missy looks sad, but comes over to your bed and says I cant come and see you tomorrow Y/n, but Ill be back soon, and I hope you get better soon. you look over at Mary and mouth thank you and you look back over at Missy, and says its ok Missy, I bet when you have a test coming up, your mom will let you come study. Missy nods, and hugs you before she goes over to Georgie and hugs him, and Mary comes over to you, and hugs you and then takes Missy out in the hallway so its easier to leave in a little bit. Sheldon walks over with a teddy bear and says I always knew you would get with your Georgie-Bear and smiles at you, Georgie looks over at Sheldon and asks what do you mean you always knew she would get with her Georgie-Bear, she just started calling me that yesterday. Sheldon starts well she you cut Sheldon off and say Sheldon you promised not to say anything, and your not going to say anything. Sheldon looks over at Georgie and says sorry Georgie, I made a promise and I intend to keep it Georgie sighs and says ok Sheldon winks at you, and then says Goodbye Y/n, Ill see you when you get home. you smile at sheldon, and wave goodbye. Then Meemaww came over and hugged you and whisperded in your ear and says I knew you liked Georgie from the beginning, Im happy for you, and want you to know im always here for you, and Im sorry for your loss. you say thank you, Connie Connie cuts you off and says You can call me Meemaww if you want too. you smile and say ok meemaw. she goes out into the hallway, and George comes over and says they all pretty much summed up what I was going to say, so im just going to say get better soon. you look at George and say thank you George leaves, and then Georgie comes over and gets in bed with you and cuddles you, and asks why did Sheldon say, he always knew you would get with your Georgie-Bear? you look at Georgie and smile, while playing with the ring on his finger, and say thats a story for a different time Georgie-bear. you blush. Georgie leans down and kisses your lips, and pulls away and says your cute when you blush, beautiful. you smile at Georgie and fall asleep.

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