Going Home

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After you finish the paper work, the doctors come in and say we have to do the car seat test on the twins, to see if they can go home with you. you nod, because Georgie went out to the waiting room, to see his sister, who came to visit you. The doctors put the twins in their car seats, and leave for a couple minutes so you can get dressed, and ready to go. The doctors go and get Missy, and Georgie, when Missy sees you, siting up, in your bed, she runs up to you and hugs you and says Y/n, I missed you. you look down at Missy, and say I missed you too. Missy looks at Georgie, and Georgie nods, and Missy asks you, Y/n, is there anything I can do to help you? you look over at Georgie, and he smiles, you look back at Missy, and say if you really want to help me, you could go grab my shoes out of that closet, so I can put one shoe on. you chuckle, and Missy runs to go get your shoes. She hands you, your shoe, and you put it on, and the Doctors say Y/n, the twins passed the car seat test, and can go home with you. you nod, and the doctors bring in a wheel chair, because you have a broken arm, and leg, so you cant use crutches. Missy tries to carry one of the car seats, to help you and Georgie, but you look at Missy and say Missy, you can carry the diaper bags, they aren't as heavy. Missy looks at you, and asks but whose gonna carry the other car seat? you look at Missy, and grab the other car seat and put it in your lap, and say Im going to hold it on my lap, until we get to the car, and then Georgie is going to put it in the car, and then your moms going to help get everything out of the car back at the house. Missy nods, and grabs the diaper bags, and your hand. You look at Georgie, and he smiles, and whispers in your ear, and says she doesn't want to leave your side, she truly loves you Y/n. you smile at Georgie, and the doctors wheel you out to Georgies car. Georgie helps you get in the car, before putting the twins in the car. After he puts the twins in the car, and Missy gets in, and Georgie gets in and starts to drive, he can tell your nervous, so he looks over at you and asks beautiful, are you ok? you look over at him with a nervous look on your face, and say, Im just kind of nervous, the last time I was in the car with some people, I loved they all left, I have none of my family except the twins, I cant lose your Georgie bear. Georgie looks over at you, and puts his hand on your thigh, as he drives home, Missy asks you, Y/n, why do you call Georgie, Georgie bear? you look back at missy, and grabs Georgies hand on your thigh, and you squeeze his hand, and tell Missy, its because of his hair, does you not look like a bear? Missy giggles, and Georgie looks over at you and says Hey, you love my hair you look at Georgie and nod, and say ya, I love your hair, but I love you more than I love your hair. As you guys pull closer to Georgies house, he lo9oks over at you and says hey beautiful, we are just dropping Missy off, and picking up my mom. you look over at Georgie confused and ask, aren't we staying too? Georgie shakes his head and says no, I have a surprise for you you nod your head and say as your pulling up to Georgies house, ill move into the back for your mom. Georgie looks over at you and shakes his head and says its ok, my mom wants to sit by the babies, so you can have a break, and not have to move. you nod your head. You fall asleep, as Georgie drives to your new house. The twins cry in the back, and you start to wake up, but Georgie rubs your arm and says Its ok beautiful, go back to sleep, my mom is gonna take care of them. you fall back asleep as Mary is in the back, soothing the twins. You guys get to your new house, and Georgie comes over to your door, and gently wakes you up. Once you get up you guys go inside.

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