Chapter 2

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Annie POV

Some time had passed, the school day ended a few hours ago and me and the girls had just arrived at the stadium for the game. The whole town and of course showed up along with the whole town of Hilton. I thought that it was slightly unnecessary because it was just a scrimmage to begin the season, but it was tradition every year. Before any real games against other teams the Voyagers and Mustangs would do this game just to set the season off. It didn't matter who won though the real finals always went either way.

My father and brother were already there because they had been practicing and warming up since right after school. Sometimes I feel bad that all these players barely have any time for anything except hockey. But I suppose it was their choice to make.

We started to rush in because we were already late. Sarah felt the need to dress up for Jack so we all had to wait while she put on something that showcased her body. I mean I gotta respect it though and she's allowed to wear whatever she wants. She always says that I should wear stuff more like it and it's not that I lack confidence, it's just not my style. The girls say I dress like a mother and act like an 80 year old. I don't mind though because I am happy with the life I live.

As we were jogging inside Gina turned towards concessions and gave Henry a wave to which he returned. She looked away trying to hide a blush. I wish she would just go up and tell him how she feels, it really is clear that he liked her back. Maybe she's afraid that the reality won't be the same as the fantasy. That's what I would be worried about if I were her. I mean to think she dreams about this guy and if he ever were to be too different from that it would ruin her. But she won't ever find out by just waving quickly as she passes him.

"Shit I forgot my wallet in the car, Annie would you run back and grab it I'm too lazy" Gina said. Stopping in the middle of the room and making me crash into her. The doors leading to the stadium were right in front of us. She looked at me with her dumb puppy dog eyes which we both knew she didn't need to do because I was going to do it no matter what.

"You are lucky I love you. Save me a seat preferably not next to Sarah. I don't want to be around when she's in heat" I said laughing as I jogged back.

"That was rude Annie" Sarah said but followed the other two inside in a hurry to find if there were any good seats left. We somehow always found some good seats even when we showed up late which was quite frequent.

I grabbed her wallet from the car and went back in. There was now no one in sight and I heard the announcer start calling out the home team players. Honestly I was grateful that I got to miss my brother putting on his show in front of the town. I looked down at my phone to check the time trying to figure out if I would have time after this to start a project. All of the sudden I completely crashed into something hard. At first I thought it was the door which if that were the case I would be ruined because people would have probably seen it happen. But when I looked up I saw the label for a Mustang Hockey jersey. I looked down more because I was too embarrassed and scared to make eye contact and saw the skates that seemed huge compared to my tiny shoes. Next to this person's skates I saw my phone had fallen as I was about to pick it up and apologize to this stranger and hope he would forgot about it so I could go find my friends I saw his hand, his big hand, reach for it first.

"Here you go. Are you alright?" This deep but almost sweet voice asked me as he handed the phone to me. I still had not looked up to see his face. I decided there that even though he was showing kindness that I would not be making eye contact.

"Yes, thank you. Sorry about that. You know what they say, don't text and walk" I said awkwardly looking at the ground still. Why did I say that? That was dumb. He probably thinks I'm crazy or something. Instead of continuing the conversation I decided to go around him and walk through the doors. Only looking back enough to see the number on his jersey, 20. Lets just hope he gets smashed into one of the glass walls and forgets about everything that just happened. No, that's messed up. I shouldn't wish that. But I mean who's to say I was even memorable. I bet he stopped thinking about me the second I was out of his eye line. I'm probably getting worked up over nothing at all.

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