Chapter 4

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Annie POV

About a week has passed since I had last seen Jack at Carly's. To be honest I forgot about the whole thing, I mean after I dwelled on it for about a day. I realized that again this man had no influence in my life whatsoever so continuing to be stuck up on it would be very dramatic of me. I had other shit, real shit, shit that was actual reality to me going on. Just to be safe though I didn't mention it to anyone, not even Gina which was extremely rare and out of character for me. Gina probably wouldn't care though, she would say the same thing that I thought, "Who cares" "You'll never see him again anyway" "That's dumb". And she would be correct.

The temperature here in Minnesota was out of the ordinary being at about 67 degrees Fahrenheit. That meant I could bust out one of my more summery floral dresses. Some may say that it's still too cold for an outfit like this but when your averages are at 40 degrees I gotta work with all I got. Plus with my thighs jean shorts are too hellish and too much work for today. Because Asher felt the need to get to school super early to hang out in the parking lot with his friends I was only able to put on a little mascara before I was rushed into the cra with the threat of being left. Of course I was not able to drive because I'm sure Asher would rather quit hockey than be seen getting driven by me, which I think just shows how little the male pride can really be but my mom always says choose your battles and it just wasn't a big enough deal to fight over.

Sarah and Miley were always there early, Sarah to get any gossip she could before first period and Miley so she could meet up with Emma before the halls got too busy. I texted Sarah letting her know I was on my way over to meet at our lockers. Conveniently they were all close together so it made it easier for it to be our meeting spot. Gina was a 50/50 whether or not she would be there early or just before the bell rang. Asher whipped into a spot close to the front entrance and hopped out before I could even register that we were in park. I gathered my bookbag and cellphone and quickly got into the school before some of the wind blew up my dress. I quickly paced over to where our lockers were located and luckily Sarah was already there waiting with her blonde hair looking straight as ever. She was wearing a jean mini skirt with a hot pink top that could be debated against the dress code but who gives a fuck about that anymore, it stupid and misoginst.

"Hey gorg, your dress is so cute but yet you still somehow look like a librarian" She said.

"Oh how I love our morning chats Sar, and do I even have to tell you that you look good or do you already know" I said as I opened my locker to sort out my books. I would consider it an art form, the others consider it obsessive.

"Oh you know I already know but I'll never say no to hearing it over and over" She said as she watched me fiddle with all of my books putting them in order of height.

"Well you look great babes'' I said, giving her a small smile. "What's today's morning news".

"Glad you asked, so Mrs.Lackey had an emergency and they couldn't find a good sub so they are sending the janitor which basically means free period first which is a gift from heaven cause I truly could not sit through another class. Brit H. is possibly pregnant with Nathans or Johnnys we don't know yet."

"Oh no, I hope she's okay and has good support. I liked her, she was really nice" I said. It's true, we had a class together last year and we got to talk a bit and were alway partners if it came down to it.

"Yea I think she's good, just a rumor I guess we will find out for sure soon. Umm lets see what else...Oh OMG the best thing how could I forget. So you know how when its gets over 65 everyone goes to Scoops and Cream for ice cream after school and it's a whole thing." She started very excitedly.

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