Note from the Author

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Hello, welcome to the first volume of this fan series; there are some things you need to know before you read to get the context. This series is after 'the Railway Series' ends. Gordon is now retired and has been replaced. Since this takes place after 'the Railway Series', this series uses a modified map.

I'd also like to quickly thank my many friends for writing advice and criticism in each draft: Akagi, Caleb, Rebecca and last but not least, Vivid Lite. If one of you (my friends) is reading this, I give my utmost thanks and appreciation. Have a nice time reading.

Author's note
Dear readers, It's been around 10 years since the last story and Richard Hatt has retired with his son Bernadette taking the mantle. Sodor is quite busy during market season, Bernadette has seen how it can cause a lot of trouble and make new memories. Heres how it happened. -Leo

The Railway After Series #1: American Night Train (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now