Prologue:The time to escape is now

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Third person p.o.v.

Somewhere in the galaxy.Far far away.There was always that one war that will never end such as the light against the dark.The jedi knight peacemakers of the galaxy and using the light side of the force.And their mortal enemies the sith who use the dark side of the force to conquer anything in their way with an iron fist

One day however a jedi knight named Revan saw the Jedi's counsel slowly being corrupted by their greed and pride and decided to abandon and betray his order and become a sith so that he can defeat a threat that they hesitate to face and use by any means necessary.Not only that to release his hate towards the mandolorians.And unlike most jedi and sith He used BOTH sides of the force.He had his victories but of course he suffered his loses.One of his biggest loss the woman of his life.A female jedi knight name Bastila Shan who fell to the dark side but his feelings and his love for her was more than enough to bring her back to the light,and to him.When the war was over they disappeared and got married.

But on another day a threat like no other has appeared.And this time it didn't want to conquer the galaxy...but it's destruction.But on that day Revan's love was pregnant with their son.He refused to leave them,but the mere existence of the threat alone was a danger to his family.With tears and a heavy heart he forced himself to leave his family and leave nothing but audio recordings behind

Revan scoured the galaxy to find and destroy this mysterious threat.After a brutal battle Revan won.But when he returned to his home to see his family...they were not there in fact there was nothing there,not even their house.Devestated he would begin his search but he was still heavily wounded,so he ordered his droids and whatever allies he had left to look for him and leave him any source of intel whether they were alive or not and after that he placed himself in a cryo stasis pod and let the force heal his wounds

In the present the Separatist empire is at war with the jedi order and the Republic doing whatever it takes to eliminate them and rule the galaxy with an iron fist.Both sides have grounds and planets and both benefited.Some however aren't exactly fortunate as most.And those under the sith's rule were no exception

In a planet named Bracca which it was more of a scrapyard then a planet where both destroyed and un-destroyed ships is were dismantled for parts and profit from them of whoever wants to buy them

Elsewhere there was a light green colored droid talking to an alien being that wore a working attire fitting for the job.And the alien's name was Prauf

After done talking with a droid he approaches another figure sharing his attire who was using a blowtorch and wearing a mask to protect his sight from the intense brightness and also listening music through a pair of headphones

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After done talking with a droid he approaches another figure sharing his attire who was using a blowtorch and wearing a mask to protect his sight from the intense brightness and also listening music through a pair of headphones.Prauf taps the figure's shoulder and asks

Prauf:Listen,I don't want to upset your rhythm,Y/n.But the boss wants a word

The figure stops and pulls his mask upwards and his headphones away from his ears and revealed a young man with with brown hair and eyes.This was Y/n son of Darth Revan and Bastila Shan.Only Prauf knows this not due to trust but to their sibling bond.Prauf met him during one of his scavenging operations when he was 8.Given he was truly alone and the chances of him surviving were next to zero and couldn't bare to leave him at such a young age so he took him under his wing.Removing his mask and places the blowtorch.He taps his forearm as he joins him to see their boss

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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