Uncharted Territory

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Luckily, there had been very few articles about Yunho's breakdown during WINGZ's fansign. To appease his fans' concerns, the idol had simply explained the situation in a VLIVE and apologised for causing any worry. The next day, their manager had taken Yunho, as well as Yeosang, for a photoshoot. And for an unclear reason, Choi Jongho had absolutely insisted on coming to encourage them. The two WINGZ members were grateful for the attention, but did not quite know what to think of it.

The photoshoot venue was a set just outside Seoul and their manager rushed them to the make-up room before leaving, as he had Xion to take to his film location. Yeosang, as their visual, was not truly stressed out, but Yunho was wondering whether this was truly his element. Fortunately, the make-up artists and stylists made them very welcome and they chatted with other models, or with Jongho, who greeted almost everybody as he had many connections. He was constantly looking around the room, as though searching for someone who was not there.

When the two friends were finally ready for the first photoshoot, they made their way towards the set, Jongho behind them, but they were distracted by an argument near the entrance door and paused for a second. A tall, husky boy was listening tensely, his fists clenched, to an older man who was scolding him.

"Next time, be ready when I come fetch you. It's the last time we're late because of you. Is that understood?" the older man was commanding between his teeth.

The dark-haired boy, who was showing them his back, grunted. He was not pleased at all. He answered in a familiar, gruffy voice, "If you eased our schedule just a tad, then I wouldn't be—"

"Your schedule will be what I tell you it is, Leedo-yah," the manager of Luci4 interrupted coldly. "I've got your dongsaengs waiting in the van. Give me a ring when the photoshoot is over. And don't be late."

The idol's manager ran back outside and the boy turned around to head towards the make-up room. He stopped dead when he noticed the three boys who had been watching him. They could tell that Kim Leedo was beside himself, not only because of his manager's scolding but because of the humiliation of having had an audience. The main rapper groaned sourly and resumed walking, passing by the little astonished group without truly seeing them. He did utter a nasty "Move on, losers" as they were still staring at him quietly.

When Leedo was finally out of sight, Jongho said, lost in his thoughts, "Do you think he's alright? I've never seen a manager talk like this to an idol."

"Who cares?" Yunho mumbled grumpily.

Yeosang added with a nod, "He's from Luci4. He deserves to be talked to like shit. Gets him a taste of his own medicine."

Jongho shrugged and they eventually got to the photoshoot set. Jongho remained with the photographers, while his juniors were posing and following directions. Yeosang was very relaxed but it was harder for Yunho. The latter was glad Jongho was here to help him and advise him on how to pose or what to do with his hands and body. With his friends' help, Yunho managed to do something he was satisfied of, and they soon left the set to change hairstyles, make-up and outfits, and do it all over again.

"You did great," Jongho congratulated him, patting his shoulders, although Yunho was considerably taller. "You and Yeosang were killing it together."

Yunho shrugged, but he was beaming under the compliments. As they were leaving the set, they met Leedo again, who was coming in the opposite direction and had changed into a see-through mesh white sweatshirt. The rapper narrowed his eyes when he saw them and barely stopped to say, "Had fun, kids? Now let the pro take over."

Yeosang was ready to throw hands but Jongho put a hand on his arm. "Let me deal with this. You guys go back." The members of WINGZ nodded and left Jongho, who sat right back next to the photographers. Leedo was not on set yet; he was discussing angles and lighting with the staff, and barely paid any attention to the solo artist. Eventually, the photoshoot began and Jongho feasted his eyes on the older boy. He was not lying when he said he was a pro; he knew every pose, every technique and totally nailed the sexy concept he was assigned that day.

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