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The mood in the air is more cheerful than ever, and it is the best Eloise has ever seen her mom and dad get along in a long, long, while. Around the little restaurant table all her extended family is gathered, and not a single one of them can stop smiling and joking as they all wait for their food to arrive.

Lewis is in the center of it all, of course, beaming and glowing like a portrait as he takes it all in and makes it look like it is an easy task to be at the center of all the world's attention. He has done it- he has really done it- the first black man in Formula 1 and Eloise could not be prouder of him. All her life she had admired her brother more than anyone else in the world, he was so strong in character and so mature and handled everything so well, never snapping and getting angry even in the most frustrating of moments. He had faced so many obstacles on his road to success and he had overcome it all. Now, he is finally at the top of his mountain of success. Now he can look down at every person who had ever doubted him. And in her mind Eloise thinks there is not a single person on the planet who deserves this more than Lewis.

"You fucking made it, Lew, you did it!" She cheers quietly so only he can hear, beaming at her bother with such a look of admiration it is as though he had realigned the skies. "Relax, celebrate a little, I think even Ron Dennis would say you deserve a few pints."

He rolls his eyes at he with a mischievous grin, kicking her slightly under the table and making the younger hiss quietly.

"Aye, all I was trying to do was congratulate you," she huffs, reaching down to rub her shin even if Lewis didn't hardly kick hard enough for it to hurt even the slightest amount.

"Yeah and you've been swinging your legs and kicking me under the table all night, I thought I owed you one," He smiles playfully, scooting over a bit to get out of the way of his sister's deadly kicks. Lewis knew from experience how much one of her punches or kicks could hurt from the times the two would get angry and start fighting one another as little kids. After one time he had stolen and hid a seven year old Eloise's favorite lunch box... well, he had certainly learned his lesson from that one.

"You're impossible, I was trying to be friendly," Eloise replies, collapsing back into the soft cushioning of the restaurant booth, crossing her arms, dramatic as ever.

"Thank you oh great Eloise, I'm so honored to receive a compliment from you," Lewis grins back, making the younger smile and scoff a little as she sits up and scoots back to be at her brother's side once again.

"I meant it, I really did- It's incredible..." She says with a sincere look, "I don't know whether to be jealous of you or extremely proud."

Lewis' smile softens a little, and he gives his sister a pat on the shoulder. "There's no reason to be jealous, you've only finished your first year in F2 and you already did incredible. You'll be up there in the big leagues in no time, just take your time. Honestly, you should enjoy it while you can, F1 will keep you busy for sure."

She can't help but sigh and smile at her older brother. She had only been joking a bit when she had said she was jealous of Lewis, really she was far too happy for him to ever even have a thought in her mind about jealousy. And, with her older brother in the F1 game, it may give her a bit of an advantage. May help her know what to expect better when- not if- the time eventually came for her to make the leap up to the big leagues.

She knows in her heart that it will be coming soon. That perhaps if she can win the title this year in F2 then she will have a shot at getting a seat in Formula 1. Then she will get to race alongside her brother, perhaps even battle for a championship. Now that would be a real dream come true.

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