Chapter 15

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(Tony POV)

(The next day)

I walked through the park this morning because I have nothing better to do. I have plans with my girlfriend tonight, but that's not until later, so for now, I'm just taking a stroll.

I hear birds chirping. It's March, so it's still a bit cold, but spring is hopefully coming soon. The trees are all leafless and there's still a bit of snow on the ground.

As I walk up the path I see Shrignold. He's facing away from me, so I use this as an opportunity to throw a snowball at him.

I form it with my hands quickly and quietly, then launch it at him. As soon as I send it flying, I turn sideways and act like I'm pretending I didn't throw it. Shrignold turns around and looks at me. I start whistling to imply I didn't see anything. Shrignold grabs some snow and throws it back at me. "Ow!" I yell laughing.

I walk up to Shrignold. "What're you up to?" I ask. "Well I'm waiting for Colin, I was gonna hang out with him today since I asked everyone, but Paige was busy, and you didn't respond." He says.

"Oh sorry I didn't see the message. But I can hang out until maybe 4." I say. "Oh nice, because I think Colin forgot." Shrignold says, putting his hands on his hips. "Why? He hasn't shown up yet?" I ask. "Nah he hasn't. I messaged him a few times but he might be busy and I didn't want to disturb him much. He was supposed to be here half an hour ago." He replies.

My eyes widen. "You good man?" Shrignold asks.
"Last night I went to Colin's house and he walked me home. It was pretty late, what if something happened to him on his way back!?" I exclaim.

"Really? Do you think maybe-" Shrignold begins but he's cut off by his phone ringing. "Oh it's Colin." He says, putting the phone on speaker, then answering. "Hey Colin where are you?" Shrignold asks him. "I have Colin." The familiar voice from the phone says. "You want him back you have to come find him." I recognize the voice, but it's not Colin. "Or give me $10,000,000, then we have a deal." The voice says, then they hang up.

Shrignold looks at me, and my face is pale. "It's alright, we'll get Colin out somehow. Let me check his location." Shrignold says, pulling something up on his phone. "No..." I begin. "...not just that, but...that voice..." Shrignold looks at me. "Who? Who's voice is that?" He asks.

"...that was my mother." I say. Shrignold looks at me confused. "My mother is supposed to be in jail because she's a crazy woman." I say. "Then you must know where she took him! Because his location is now disabled." He says, showing me his phone.

"I have an idea of where." I say. "There was a spot I found that was never found by the police, but I've never told anyone before." Shrignold goes to emergency call.

"But, tell them to come here, because I don't know the address." I say. Shrignold nods and calls the police.

After a minute or so, the police arrive. I tell them to follow me to where my mother should be. They approach where she probably is, and me and Shrignold step back. The police burst open the door. But my mother isn't in there. Only Colin is, but he doesn't look very alive. "Colin!!" Shrignold yells, and I hold him back. His eyes and beginning to fill with tears, and so are mine.

The police check Colin's pulse. "He's alive!" One of them says. "We have to get him to the hospital now." Another says.

An ambulance arrives, and Colin is taken in it. "You boys found him just in time. You did the right thing." One of the officers says. I nod and smile. "We have to go look for the escaped criminal." He says to another, and they're off. Shrignold is kneeling and crying. I kneel with him, and put my hand on his shoulder. "He's gonna be alright." I say. Shrignold hugs me, and cries into my shoulder. I hug him back. When he backs away from the hug, he starts wiping his eyes and laughing. "Sorry man." He says. "It's alright, you must've known him for a long time." I reply.

"He's alive, so he should be okay." I say. "He looked really hurt, but I hope you're right." Shrignold says. "I hope they find your mom."

"Me too." I say

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