Part 2

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"As we've been saying time and time again," interrupted one of the old men, "fortune is no talent. Luck is nothing more than an impression-a label applied after the fact when an event with a low probability of occurring takes place.

The people who observed the event perceived it as luck, so they called it luck-simple as that. The fact of the matter is, the event took place because the natural order of things demanded it take place. No matter how improbable it may be, if something has a chance of occurring, it will occur."

The headmaster gave a slight nod, then slowly made his response: "Are you sure that's all there is to it, though?"

"What are you saying?"

"Remember last year's Ultimate lucky student?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the Board members' expressions all shifted in unison-like he had just mentioned something taboo.

"If everything occurs because the natural order of things demands it so," the headmaster continued, "then why do things always seem to happen that benefit him? I cannot look at that boy and tell myself that fortune is nothing more than how we perceive the outcome of an event."

"But when it results in something like that..." one of the old men spat.

All four members of the Board of Directors looked like they were
sucking on lemons, as they had since the second the headmaster mentioned the previous year's Ultimate lucky student.

He was, unquestionably, a very problematic student, constantly stirring up trouble and causing problems among his fellow students. The worst part of all was that he never had ill intentions. His presence in the school was a cause of great concern for the headmaster, but-

"Regardless," he said, "we have no choice but to admit that his fortune is genuine-that it is worthy of being referred to as a 'talent,' do we not?"

The entire Board sat in silence, lacking the words to retort. Eventually, one of them ran out of patience and said, leaning back in his chair as he did, "It seems you have no intention of changing your mind. Do as you please."

The headmaster immediately bowed his head, as though he had been waiting for exactly those words.

"Thank you very much," he said, slowly lifting his head, then reached down and picked up a sheet of paper sitting atop the wooden table.
On it was printed the profile of the student who had been selected as the 78 Class's Ultimate lucky student. It contained detailed information even the subject themselves had long since forgotten.

And how, exactly, was Hope's Peak Academy able to acquire this information?

That went without saying.

It wouldn't be Hope's Peak Academy if it couldn't.

It was a school that only admitted students with special talents,
grooming them to shoulder the country's hope for the future. Its alumni held vital posts in every field, and it had special government backing. Trying to think of the academy like any ordinary organization was an exercise in futility.

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