Part 3

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Profile in-hand, the headmaster resumed his announcement.

“This year, Hope's Peak Academy has selected a single name, by fair and unbiased lottery, from all currently enrolled high-school students nationwide, to invite to attend the school as the Ultimate lucky student.”

The Board of Directors had long since lost interest, but the headmaster continued anyway. “The name we have drawn—”

The headmaster dropped his gaze to the sheet of paper in his hand, and read for the Board the name written there—the name of a certain high-school girl.

“This is not my lucky day,” Makoto Naegi muttered through a sigh as he headed for the nearest convenience store.

Makoto was a perfectly average high-school student attending a perfectly average high school—something he was painfully aware of, and something he was often reminded of by his friends and family.
While, on some level, he was somewhat dispirited by it, he also knew good and well that there was nothing he could do to change it. The very fact that he felt that way about his average self pretty much cemented his averageness.

That day, however, was different.

That day, Makoto was most certainly not normal. He was a far cry from average in one specific way.

To put it simply, that day, he was incredibly unlucky—which he began to realize after school had let out.

For the first time in a long time, the skies were clear, and Makoto was in an unusually good mood. Feeling as though something good was on the horizon, he decided he would take a different route home than usual, go for a walk.

It can be nice to take a detour every once in a while, he thought—just ever so slightly different from usual. And that tiny change in routine was the start of all his misfortune.

After a short while, Makoto passed by a large park. There, he just happened to run into one of his friends—a classmate. That friend was with a group of his own friends—mostly people Makoto had never met before—and they were getting ready to play a round of rock-paper-scissors to decide who got to go buy snacks for everyone.
Makoto’s friend invited him to join in. He could tell the invitation was made on a whim from the look on his friend’s face and the way he was acting.

Normally, Makoto would have rejected the offer and gone on his merry way, but he decided to participate, figuring if he was doing things differently that day, he might as well go all out.

Oddly enough, he was almost certain he wouldn’t lose—not only were there nearly ten people playing, the weather was incredible too. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

The game was decided in a single round.
Makoto lost. He played scissors, and everyone else played rock.

Danganronpa Secret File Makoto Naegi's Worst Day EverWhere stories live. Discover now