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On a bright merry morning in the town, birds chirping happily that can be heard from a far, feel the gentle light breeze, people walking the streets, children playing cheerfully, and street vendors being workaholics and being busy. Sure enough, it seems that almost everyone in the town is busy, putting up red lanterns, banners, and golden ornaments here and there and hanging them all up. The citizens all over the town are too busy preparing for the upcoming Festival, eager to finish and make everything perfect as they expected. Very much so when the festival is just a few days away. Meanwhile at a brothel, in it, every single courtesan is eagerly excited about this event. Doing make-up, trying out new dresses and accessories. Exchanging words with each other.

"You look good in that dress."

"Here why don't you try this make-up?"

"This hairpin looks beautiful."

"The color of this one suits you."

"I hope I look good during the festival."

Words like that, that went on and on. Almost every one of them had just comefrom the shops, tailors, and the marketplace. Buying anything like new dresses,accessories, etc. Just as they were enjoying their spilling-the-tea session onecourtesan then mentions.

"Oh! Right by the way I love how the boss gave us permission to go out for the event." A courtesan in a lime dress mentioned excitedly. Another courtesan replied saying:

"Hmm.... Yes, it's a good thing that the boss understands."

"Especially after he managed to get taught a lesson from Shi Gongzi. "

"Hahaha yes, I remembered that time he taught him a lesson."

"Yeah, I mean the boss deserves it, we were never treated properly by society."

"It's a good thing that young Master Shi understands our situation."


"Haa...... It's always lively when young master Shi is around."

"I know he only comes and visits once a month, oh wait no once a year."

"I hope he visits us this time. Huh......"

All of them thought the same, wondering and concerned. Whether this Shi Huan they've mentioned will visit them or not. For now, the only thing they need to do is to wait patiently.

By the way, if you want to know who this "Young Master Shi" is, we'll know about it right away.

Outside by the green pasture where the trees stood tall as the sun beams vividly on the leaves. There stood a caravan, not so far away from the entrance of Pingle Town. It seems that the caravan owner might be visiting Pingle Town,for either business, probably for the festival, maybe visiting his friends and family, or maybe just there after picking up a hitchhiker. Who forced him to go on a long traveling journey to Pingle Town. The caravan owner himself after having to have traveled far away, starts to stretch both arms and legs continually. Swaying his arms back and forth while nagging to his passenger;sleeping while lying on his caravan.

Though upon seeing his guest being covered from head to toe, with a fine silk fabric robe. He couldn't help but wonder if this young master must be from a prominent sect, wondering why he would be here? On the shabby caravan of his too? Not all of those matters now, the only thing that matters was to wake his guest up. Even though his guest was a huge heavy sleeper, eyelids both shut tight, snores being louder than the nearby town, all curled up and tucked comfortably asleep. Wondering on what to do the old man then ponders to himself whether he should wake the young master or not.

The old man finally sorted out his thoughts and slowly walks towards the young master, he gives the young master a light and gentle tap on the shoulder. The young master then awoke from the frequent tap on his shoulder, he then blinked both of his eyes to get a better view. He stood up looking around and wondering, till he asked the old man where they were.

Moonlight Breeze That Carries Sorrows {Yuèguāng Wéifēng Zài Chóu}Where stories live. Discover now