Chapter 4-See Why in Shadow I Hide

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Gustave had grown much this past year and was very talented at the piano for his age. He plays like me. The Vicompte had not responded to the letter I sent him but Gustave secretly spent a lot of time with me as much as possible. I was worried about him going home on his own but thankfully the mansion was not far. "Pa" Gustave called me. He still (to my annoyance but complete understanding) he still called the vicompte Father. I had desided that he could call me Pa. It would only be simple. "Yes son" Why did you do bad things?"
His question took my by surprise.
"I...I was not a happy child like you, this mask is the only thing my mother gave me. The first thing I felt as a child was a pice of cloth covering my face and that affects your mind in bad ways. Jealousy, hate, sadness but when I met your mother the fear I had turned to love. All I wanted was to be loved and be like everyone else. Did I take some lives along the way? Yes. (In my defense I face a warning first) I made this opera house my kingdom. Your mother changed me. She was a woman who loved the unlovable. When you are older you'll understand. I will always protect you, I love you son".

"I love you too Pa"

He reached for my mask. He smiled. He did not cry or run away like before. "I think it's beautiful".

Do you see what I see?

"Now let's play something and after that it's time for supper".

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