~ Chapter 1 - The Meeting of the Past ~

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Respect is not a commodity to be demanded; it is a virtue to be earned. The title 'Princess' carries immense power, yet it often feels powerless.

"Astrid," a voice interrupted my thoughts. "Yes, mother," I responded, turning slightly to face her. "You need to stay focused if you are to secure a suitable match," she advised, her gaze drifting towards my brother, who was engrossed in his training with our father. A man? Is that all I am destined for?

My brother, Prince Andres Lorraine of Aetas, the heir to the throne, and I share the same birth date. Yet, our experiences reveal the disparity in power and respect we command. His decisions are prioritized over mine, regardless of their merit. I have always envied him for this, but that envy transforms into guilt as soon as he graces me with his gentle smile. Andres has never considered me inferior; he respects my opinions and never dismisses them as trivial, unlike the others.

"I would like to go for a walk," I requested, glancing at my mother, who simply nodded in approval. I strolled towards the outer garden, which bordered our neighboring, yet hostile, kingdom - Azov. As enigmatic as it sounds, no one from our kingdom was permitted to venture there. Even discussing it could result in severe punishment.

Lost in my thoughts, I found myself in unfamiliar surroundings. I walked forward, realizing I was near a small lake. I approached the lake and discovered a group of young bunnies. Watching them brought a smile to my face. As I bent down to hold one, I was reminded of their vulnerability, which mirrored my own. My reverie was broken by the sound of crunching leaves.

I gently placed the bunny down and called out, "Hello, is anybody there? I am a little lost." As I waited for a response, I walked towards the noise. Suddenly, I was pulled to the side and pinned against a tree, a body shielding me. I looked up, wide-eyed, only to meet a pair of forest green eyes that held the beauty of the world. An arrow whizzed past, embedding itself in the tree next to my head, making me yelp in surprise. The man moved back, revealing a group of men with horses behind him.

"Who are you?" The man questioned, his voice sending shivers down my spine. I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes, "Who are you?" I retorted, earning a smirk from him.

"I asked you first."

"Well, I am a..." I stopped myself before revealing my true identity, aware that they could use it against me or my kingdom. Clearing my throat, I answered, "I... um, am a civilian who got lost."

He seemed amused by my response. "Does this civilian have a name?" He asked, posing another question before I could.


"Astrid," He echoed, as if my name were a whisper in the wind. Hearing my name from his lips sent a delightful shiver down my spine.

"And you are?" I asked.


"Nicholas," I echoed, mimicking his earlier action.

"Why would a local civilian be wearing such an expensive outfit? Such outfits are typically reserved for members of the royal family. Am I right, Princess?" He asked, causing me to stiffen.

"I-" Before I could complete my sentence, distant yells interrupted me. Nicholas and his men seemed to have heard them too, as they assumed a defensive stance. Calls of my name pulled me out of my thoughts as I turned to find my friends running towards me. "Princess Astrid, what are you doing here?" Mary questioned. She is the daughter of my mother's maid, whom I affectionately call aunty, as my mother treats her like a sister. Despite my numerous requests, Mary insists on addressing me by my title.

"How did you get here?" Sarah questioned, glaring at Nicholas and his men. Sarah, the daughter of one of my bodyguards, is quite the opposite of Mary. She relishes breaking rules, considering it 'adventurous'. "But why are you here?" I was yet again interrupted by Rose, Sarah's younger sister.

"Well, I got lost," I mumbled, my gaze returning to Nicholas, whose eyes seemed to have never left me. "You were a princess after all," He whispered with a small chuckle.

"Who are you?" Sarah inquired, looking at the men I too did not know. "I am Christopher, that's Aaron and Aiden," the tall man, now known as Christopher, introduced. "That is Prince Nicholas Angelus, heir to the throne of Azov," Christopher continued, causing my heart to stop. Azov, the kingdom of death, as my father likes to call it.

My father has always despised the people of Azov, although I could never comprehend the origin of this hatred. I had promised to stay away from those people, yet here I was, completely and utterly enchanted by one of them, and not just anyone - their heir to the throne. Their prince.

Gasps from my friends echoed through the silence. They were standing and interacting with the people their king despised, and if anyone were to witness this, it could result in them being beheaded for treason. Sarah was the first to recover from the shock, and her surprise quickly transformed into anger. "Well, then you're standing in front of Princess Astrid Von Lorraine of Aetas," Sarah announced, causing the others to gasp, except Nicholas, who remained unfazed. He cleared his throat, and his gaze hardened as his eyes met mine. "Perhaps, we all forget this encounter and continue living our daily lives in our own kingdoms," His voice was as cold as ice.

My mind went blank as his green eyes connected with mine again, seeking an answer. It felt as if I had forgotten how to speak, so I gave him a simple nod. With a tight-lipped smile, Nicholas turned and walked away. I mirrored his actions, walking in the opposite direction, yet I couldn't stop myself from looking back. But I was only met with his retreating figure, disappointment spreading through me as I continued walking, not understanding what I was feeling.

As we walked away, I was completely unaware that the man everyone, I knew, despised had taken my heart with him.

Author's note

First chapterrrrr!!!! I'm so excited!

Thoughts about the chapter..?

Enjoy and live to your fullest :)

Enjoy and live to your fullest :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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