ch 1 new friends

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Alison was shocked to say the least she was now in a class with drones and puppies that might be hyenas, and 7 new best friends that would be her potential family. First there was Zoey the fashion icon who was the kindest person on earth, then there was Nomi a not so ordinary Jewish girl who wasn't afraid to speak her mind and was secretly bi, but she would soon be Alison's closest friend. Then there was sky and jazz twin sisters who were the queens of track and were two girls from the hood, looking for a better life, then there was Vivek who was going to be just like his hero. No not his father, not Gandi, but drake yeah. he wasn't going to be just a drug dealer but also going to make his mother proud by being an engineer he was doing his own thing, then there was Aaron the most woke person you would ever meet that somehow was able to rock a duck tail. Then there was Mr cool guy himself Luka hall, the one person that could wear the same skirt as me, and wear it better, and make me think I need to change. Then the teacher begins his speech "good evening, everyone. If you're here for the digital marketing strategies class, you've come to the correct place. If you're here to inquire about the listing for a mixed breed litter of premature breech terrier puppies you also come to the correct place." The teacher then grabs a remote and turns off his little slide show off and tells us that his name is Dr. Charles Telphy, which was sooo not true first of all he wasn't a doctor and totally should not be a professor, so that would be why he asked us to take a survey about why we took this class, as I'm thinking of what to but down for this survey I hear Aaron and Luka bickering." Nah, we get it. You're, um, "woke." He said sarcastically with air quotes, then Aaron said okay,  my bad for caring about the culture. Maybe I should be more like you and spend all my free time Ring shopping. Then when would you have time to look for buttons ? Luka says back, dude would you keep it down, this isn't the magic Johnson theater. Vivek said which made us all turn back and glare at him. Then says but it would be cool if it were. He said as he nervously chuckled. Then Aaron asked Zoey  why she was here taking this class, Zoey looked like she had seen a ghost then says she is here for the drowns. Then Nomi said that she can't put the real reason why she came here cause her uncle read this, who happens to be the dean of the school, he was trying to get Nomi with all the Jewish guys at the school but Nomi and her newfound sexual freedom, had other things in mind. Then Nomi said that maybe she should just put drones and we All say yep. In unison and nod our heads, then Vivek starts and tells us about how he was a drug dealer and sky and jazz seemed really freaked out because they both yell in unison, then Vivek tries to convince us that he's not, but while he's talking he realizes that he truly was one.  Then says  oh well, in a happy voice then ask sky and jazz if they are putting drones to, but then tells us that since they were little there dad had been drilling into their minds that nobody like two rachet girls on a cereal box. And that's how they got here. But then Luka asked me why was I here, so I looked up at him and said, well I'm here because mom and dad don't want me to become a musician which was my dream, but they wanted me to be just like them and become a doctor but I just want to case my dreams and that's how I ended up in this class, dam girl jazz say's that's tuff, then turns and asks why he was here so he just said he was here because he was just really high, but then aron asked Zoey again why she was here then she told us about this story about how her and her friend ava went to a college party and ava had gotten really drunk and threw up in the kitty pool and about how she had left her friend when she needed her the most then Aaron called her a monster, then Nomi tried to console her and tell her it wasn't that bad, Zoey asked if she has ever done something like that but then she laughed and said no never, then I said yeah I would never do that to one of my friends I said looking at her then all of a sudden she starts crying and saying about how she's a bad person and Aaron asked her why then Luka interrupted her and said maybe because she feels like a bad person. Then while Zoey was talking we a started to cry and get to know each other and soon realized that this will be the beginning of a new friendship.

Word count 894

Athors note
Hey this is my first story and I hope that whoever reading this likes it

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