Sorry, It's The Turtle In Me

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Leo sighed, sinking into his beanbag. It was just another boring Tuesday.

 Normally, on days like these, he would just sneak out and go on some wild adventure that would probably result in trauma. Sadly, Raph has been watching him like a hawk since he went out and accidentally burned that grandma's house down. Just to be clear, that was that one 4-year-olds fault, not his. So there he sat, scrolling through his phone, hoping that something interesting would show up. 

He was just about to give up when his phone let out a soft ping. Looking at the notification, he noticed it was an image from Mikey. He clicked, hoping it was a funny meme to cure his ever-growing boredom. As he saw the contents of the picture, he grinned wide.

"Leo, I know that smirk. Don't do anything dumb," Raph suddenly materialized behind him, startling the poor slider. Leo quickly recovered, looking up at his older brother.

"I would never! I'm offended you think so poorly of me hermano," Leo replied putting one hand on his plastron and the other was busy wiping a fake tear like the dramatic bastard he is. 

Raph simply rolled his eyes, walking away, muttering something about "being the responsible one" and "getting the fire extinguisher."

Leo simply laughed to himself, looking back down at the screenshot sent by Mikey. He grinned, already hatching a plan that would probably end with explosions and fire. In advance, he probably should have fact-checked.


Donnie sat, staring down at his blank blueprint paper. 

He hated inventors' block with a burning passion. Normally, when he had it, he would simply mess around with one of his brothers or Shelldon. Sadly, Shelldon was charging, and he had yet to see any of his brothers. 

Now that he thinks about it, it was weird that he hadn't seen them. Usually, at least one of them, Leo, would come in and bother him.

Eh, if he hasn't come to bother me, then he's probably snuck out or something, Donnie shrugged. He wouldn't put it past his brother to go out even if Raph was hovering over him. He's just surprised Leo did it so soon after the incident with the grandma. 

Looking back at the blank paper in front of him, he decided to just go hang out with Mikey. Just as he was going to get up, he heard a noise come from across the table. He jerked his head towards the noise and narrowed his eyes, catching a glimpse of blue.

Speaking of the devil, Donnie thought, sighing at the thought of his twin, blue brother. He was about to speak up and ask what Leo was doing in HIS lab, especially after he put a 'no Leo' sign on the door before he was cut off seeing a blue blur move past his vision. 

Swinging his head to the movement, he barely caught sight of the reptile before he felt a sharp pain in his lower right arm. 

Yelping, he fell backward onto the floor and tried his best to shake Leo from his poor arm. When that failed, he tried prying the beak that was latched on hard. That too had zero success. Donnie, running out of ways to get his probably possessed brother off of him, simply acted on the first thought that entered his mind. 

He reached over and bit Leo's upper arm hard. Leo immediately let go and let out an unholy screech. Donnie was also about to let go but then decided that Leo should also feel his pain. He locked his jaw as Leo tried to pry Donnie's beak off.

"I surrender!" Leon cried, smacking Donnie's head repeatedly. Donnie let go scooting back a few inches, still scowling at his blue-clad brother. Leo looked up at him with an overdramatic sad look. "Why would you do that!" He cried, throwing his arms up for emphasis.

 "You bit me first!" Donnie shot back just as dramatically. Twins am I, right? Anygays, Donnie couldn't help but wonder what prompted Leo to do this in the first place. He voiced his thoughts to his dumb brother, probably a bit too rudely but who was he to care?

"This is why!" Leo grinned, shoving his phone in Donnie's face. Donnie stared down at the article on the cellular device in front of him. He immediately cringed as Wikipedia showed text, while somewhat true, very exaggerated. 

"You do realize turtles only eat other turtles under very extreme circumstances right?" Donnie asked Leo, already knowing the answer.

"... Well maybe this is an extreme circumstance!" Leo exclaimed, trying his best to defend his case. Donnie simply raised a brow at him. "I was very um- uh- hungry! Yeah! That's how extreme it is!" The blue-themed turtle amazingly explained.

"There's pizza in the fridge," Donnie deadpanned, rubbing his already bruising arm.

"Well, maybe I was hungry for some uh- Donnie arm?" Leo said getting less confident in his answers. Donnie rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Who even showed you that? You don't ever research even if your life depends on it," Donnie stated, being completely truthful. Leo would rather die than study.

"Mikey showed it to me," Leo shrugged, slowly getting bored of this conversation. Maybe he should bite Donnie again?

"Don't even think about it. Go step on a lego," Donnie said using his twin telepathy. Suddenly, his inner Leo rubbed off, and Donnie had an idea. "Hey Leo, you want to get Mikey back?" Leo snorted.

"Come on, do you even know me? Of course I do!"


Raph did the right thing when he grabbed the fire extinguisher.

The couch was on fire and an ear-piercing screech echoed through the lair. If you tracked it back to the owner, you would find Mikey curled up in a ball, with Leo and Donnie T-posing over him. No one knew where the fire came from, as no one had touched anything that could cause it.

But this is the Disaster Twins we're talking about.

April walked in to find the chaos. Sighing, she walked past Raph trying to desperately save the couch, and made her way to the TV room to find Splinter. She ignored the sobs from Mikey in the kitchen.

"Hey Splints, mind if I join you for a bit? The boys are a bit hyper today," she said as she sat down, not caring about his response.

"I do not mind a bit. You will have to live with watching my commercials though," the once-human-now-a-rat replied. April shrugged as the commercials were so bad they were actually funny.

After all this was just another Tuesday.

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