chapter 1

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In a luxurious mansion in the woods. A man with pale white skin and white hair with deep obsidian black eyes is looking out the window.

"Bright...." The man spoke reaching his slender but strong looking fingers to the sun light.

The man looks like he can die any moment. His eyes dark like a void with no glimpse of light.

"Aa...shin-nii.." a tear comes out of the man dull eyes. The man was skinny and short but he looks intimidating and strong.

"Boss! One of the Tokyo treasure [smiling angel] is here!!" A man with scars in each of his lips corners alerts.

The man looks at his boss and sighed while ruffling his pink hair little bit.

'the boss is daydreaming out again..' the pink hair man thoughts with frustration.

The man infront of him is his king {Mikey}. He is the strongest person he have ever meet in his dull life. He is ready to do anything the man infront of him says.

There was like a rule that you can't go till the mikey orders or that you have to wait for the mikey orders or replies.

The man Mikey always zone out but nobody complains because they know that if they complain they're dead. Mikey was the leader of a criminal organization name [Bonten].

The police don't do anything about them even the government because they are also one of the Tokyo treasure. They are the reason there are not many problems for the government but bonten also have some illegal doings which they hide from the government dogs.

Tokyo is so much famous because of the idea of one man which invest his all money to one shop and then boom!! The money came running after the man and the man is a part of bonten.

The pink hair man stands quietly for his kings replies. "Ano...whose the patient?" A sweet voice asked the pink hair man whose not paying attention and looking at his king.

Suddenly Mikey looks behind him so fast that the pink hair man almost fells down because of the shock. "whose voice was that." Normal people would probably think Mikey is just asking sanzu a question but to the bonten members it was like an order.

"The voice belong to the [smiling angel].." sanzu picks up the young boy with light blonde hair and eyes which makes you think of a gem up from the back of his collar.

The boy slim waist was showing so he tries to hide it as hard he could. The boy was wearing a summer school uniform*.

*from the cover of the story*

"Uh..umm can you put me down..this is a b-bit uncomfortable.." the boy bows his head in embarrassment that he shows his waist to his client and patient.

"Sanzu put him down." Mikeys orders with a cold voice. Sanzu follows and puts the blonde boy down.

The blonde boy looks up and show his one of childhood friend [Mikey].

"Ma-mikey?!" The boy was shocked and sanzu was also shocked but he was angry the most that someone calls his king by his name.

Sanzu almost pulled out his gun but when he looked into mikeys eyes his hand froze. Mikeys eyes was showing a bit of light, which sanzu never show since Mikey created bonten.

"Ta-takemichi..." What happens next was what no one present or even the hiding ones expected, Mikey suddenly runs up to [takemichi] hugging him like if he loosen then takemichi will be gone forever.

Takemichi smiles a little bit and pats Mikey head "i am sorry Mikey-kun...i am sorry i left you.." Soon takemichi smiles strted turning upside down and tears started falling down heavily.

"Takemichi..." Sanzu never saw his king holding into something so desperately ever. Mikey was also crying loudly.

When sanzu looks at his kings hand he saw the sign of leave. Sanzu didn't say anything and leaves both of them.

The both of them was crying hard like there was no tomorrow. But did takemichi know that some people were watching them from camera.

"Damn didn't expect i ever see boss cry in this life.." "yeah.. didn't expect that!!" "But is this the magic of [smiling angel] or do they know eachother..?" Three people were talking to themselve about their boss and the [smiling angel] reunion.




Welp ~adious~

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