{ ✮彡 || Hyaku ~ C }

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Starting Page. Welcome!
Main Character Overview
[June 9th — July 6th]



Name: Hyaku Merals
Age: 14
Height: Human—157cm (5'3) || Devil—165cm (5'5)
Birthday: September 7th
Sign: Virgo
Magic: (Unclassified, N/A)

Likes: Kind people, Seafood, Animals, Teasing/Playing pranks, Helping or supplying civilian needs.
Neutral: Engaging in intense combat, Working with other people, Compliments.
Dislikes: Royals and Nobles, Rude or Disruptive behavior, Fish, Getting pushed around, Unsanitary environments or surfaces, Gauche Adlai.

Hyaku is a young teen with a narrow build and slightly pale complexion. She is notably known for her white dyed hair with natural colored black tips that is cut short and a section of her bangs are displayed at the middle of her face. For the most part, in disguise, the top middle portion of her hair is left without any dye. Hyaku has a pair of thin, blue eyes and which the irises often widen or sharpen and turn small depending on her current emotions. It's quite bizarre but completely normal. Lastly, her face is almost always glazed with a cheeky yet confident smile wherever she's at. You will rarely see her with a frown or bored expression.

For one of Hyaku's everyday outfits, she wears an exclusive, white, knee-length cape and robe that was given by her boss. However, she hardly follows the simple dress code and doesn't wear her uniform underneath. Instead, Hyaku wears a half blue and half black sweater, light grey shorts with short black leggings beneath, black socks that reach below the knee, and light grey boots.

When taking the form of a devil, it's clear that Hyaku's height increases from 5'3 to 5'5. Additionally, a pair of dark horns that point towards the sky are grown and then two black streaks pass over her eyes and reach to both her jawlines and upper forehead. Furthermore, Hyaku's nails grow only a few inches longer and turn black as they are fused with her magic. They act as claws in battle for the most part and can extend in any length,


Often and regularly, Hyaku appears to be a laid back, quiet, or cold person but happens to actually be cunning, charismatic, and assertive than what most people believe at first glance. People in her town often see Hyaku as a mysterious yet heartwarming, welcoming, and a thoughtful kid about things going on around her.

Although seeming like a nonsocial person who doesn't like to bad-mouth others, Hyaku is harsh with her words and would always spark up conflict towards people she talks to— perhaps being offended, angry, ect— yet in her perspectives, she boastfully thinks that she's stating the truth despite how it could be perceived because of her lack of care and ignorance. Often at times, her cruel sarcasm that is thought of right off the bat is the key to get people ticked off, that is her usual goal. Hyaku's most common side personality consists of being deeply self-righteous and somewhat self-centered, leaving her victorious in almost all arguments that's brought upon her. Though, to put it in a simple format, she doesn't back down and will always find a way to get her point across until the other party gives up trying to argue back.

Those who ignore Hyaku's upsetting and out-of-the-pocket words, and don't give her what she wants— which is a reaction that'll entertain her— however, will certainly annoy her and she would become all snappy or visibly disappointed. Hyaku is generally a very troublesome and short-tempered teenager who would often getting fussy or angered easily, but eventually, she'll learn to let things go and give up trying to squeeze out anything from others for her enjoyment.

Moving on, because of Hyaku's childhood, there has always been a shallow yet loud hatred towards Royals and Nobles. She's not afraid to express her distaste towards higher classed people, no matter their titles within the Clover Kingdom. As you might guess, this goes for Magic Knight captains, too!

After suffering through half a year by being tormented and neglected when she became apart of her adoptive royal family, Hyaku had became physically and mentally corrupted, which caused even more punishments. Then, by the time she has turned twelve, Hyaku snapped and the murder of her brother and father with her own hands left the child emotionless and numbed throughout the rest of some points in Hyaku's life. Because of the royal family's fatal, heartbreaking loss, Hyaku was immediately banished from her home the night prior to the incident and was soon to never be included with her family again.

Ever since being taken in under her boss's care at the age of 13 and welcomed into a more friendly and light environment, Hyaku has regained her emotions and became the person she is today. However, despite having the bubbly personality that most people know and love, she tries her best to set aside her ongoing hate towards upperclassmen when it's necessary or if she's with nice civilians or those in need. Despite all of that, Hyaku can regulate and keep herself in check with her temper more better than in the past.

Another part of Hyaku, which is hardly ever shown, is her sadistic nature towards harming people she hates or finds annoying and disgusting. Either verbally or in other ways, she enjoys seeing those who got in her path suffer by her own hands— this could also be done for fun. Hyaku could hardly control her satisfaction when she gets the opportunity to repeatedly stomp on a royal's head, but when it gets to this point, Hyaku's mentor keeps a close eye on her so she doesn't go too out of control. During her work, Hyaku is normally designated in an empty area with no one around, kicking and spitting hellish words towards a Noble or Royal causing a disruption within the community.

Normally, when you're on Hyaku's good side, she'll always appear as a casual, reliant, and independent person. And if she's feeling playful, she has a trickster personality that regularly involves the use of lies. Sometimes this isn't usually the case as it's a common thing she'll do— no matter the scenario— so it's always hard to figure out if Hyaku is stating the truth or not about a topic she claims since she makes it believable. The main targets are those who are extremely gullible.

Because of her voice occasionally being monotoned when there's something that hardly interests her, Hyaku takes the advantage of some of her sarcasm and combines it to not sound as enthusiastic than anticipated towards serious events. In fact, she never takes anything seriously. During fights, rants, ect. Hyaku simply doesn't care for half of the time and will stare off into space or distract herself to pass time.

Continuing with the old topic, on her bad side, Hyaku would rather be bland, unresponsive, and uninterested in paying attention to people who she finds "distasteful". If she feels as if she's being annoyed in the slightest, Hyaku would give an intimidation stare that's highly effective for the most part. And in moments like that, she'll build up a small dislike towards that person depending on their role— by how they look— when they've only met once. For one instance, during the encounter with Asta, Noelle, and Charmy, Hyaku spots Noelle and immediately assumes that she's "just like any other royal". The thought of Hyaku's family was pictured onto Noelle, causing the loathing emotions. Even though it's something she shouldn't do right off the bat, Hyaku can't seem to control her thoughts. Of course, she can always have a change of heart after having some time to warm up with the mentioned individuals.



Hi guys! As of now, this page is still in the making but I decided to publish what's currently on here to speed up the process of making other pages. This one has been in the way for quite some time now.
I'll definitely get back to it and add more additional information in the future so expect this page to update from time to time.
Also, I apologize if this OC sounds like a "mary sue", "edgy kid", or something along those categories. However, most of the descriptions here would be further in depth as the story goes on and it'll be explained far more better as to why this main character is the way they are along with others.
With that aside, I hope you'll enjoy the rest of my work that comes your way!

(Setting aside the professional talk, do people even enjoy OC fanfics? /gen)


A Journey to Change [Black Clover OC]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ