✮彡 |Vast Terrain ~ II|

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It's an abnormal, sunny day out in the Clover Kingdom.
Oh how I could retrace my steps.

The spacious land was unbearably silent for my liking. I hardly doubt that there are any birds or any living mammal out here except for me. The only safe and best option I can possibly think of is to go back to the Royal Capital. However, I did come out here for a reason so I should pretty much stick to my original plan...

Despite having no clear memory of the exact location of the Glistening Field of P.D, I could only assume that it's a bit further out within the Capital's range. Hopefully I don't wander off too far, otherwise Boss will have my head on a stick.

I've been walking forward for quite some time now and the view of the Capital is gradually shrinking smaller by the minute. It would only take a couple more hours to actually be unable to spot the city from a certain distance.

If anything, the heat is what's getting to me. With this cape and robe on, it's only weighing me down and making it harder for me to cool down. Although it is white— which is a color that repels light— it's hardly doing anything in my opinion. Man, I'm not even sure what I'm talking about anymore. Everything is too overwhelming at the moment that it's making me unable to think straight.

"Boss should really come up with a summer uniform by the time I get home to tell her about this..." I complain to myself while wiping off sweat from my forehead. I never really noticed how hot it was until now and it's a shame how there's hardly any shade or clouds to help me out here. Come to think of it, there isn't any trees in sight, how will I even get to my destination?

I take a look at the horizon and skies ahead of me. For a split second, I could've sworn that I saw something soar through the air. Multiple things, actually. Shortly, I realized that there were people on brooms who were flying towards the Royal Capital. My arms raised into the air while I waved at them, hoping for one of them to spot me on the ground. Though, I have my doubts considering how small I might appear from their height.

Thankfully, because of the emptiness of this place, I stood out a lot. A woman with pink, wavy hair who was probably in her twenties flew down towards me. Her clothes were very revealing, but since she was a female like me, I didn't really question it at all.

"What are you doing out here all alone, cutie?" The woman says in a soothing tone. I wasn't expecting for her to call me a "cutie" of all things...

"Do you happen to know where the Glistening Field could be?" I reply while watching the woman slightly hover above me on her broom. I have a feeling that this person knows what I'm talking about since her hat obviously spoke out to me that she's a witch. And through all the knowledge I've been taught, most witches in this kingdom know just about every single location you can think of. Not as much as Spatial Mage users though.

"Of course! May I get to know your name as well?" She asks as she began to lower herself so I could get on her broom. So far, this woman is a very friendly and welcoming person, I appreciate it a lot.

"Hyaku." Again, it was a bland and short response coming from me but what else was I supposed to say?

"You're not much of a talker, I assume? That's fine," The woman says while actually understanding my disinterest in talking, "Well, I'm Vanessa Enoteca, it's a pleasure to meet you~!" She expressed. I carefully sat down as she welcomed me on.

I held onto Vanessa's shoulders and we both got up into the air. The others that she flew with her earlier were already half-way to the Capital.

"You're quite lucky, cutie." Vanessa says, hoping to start some small talk so this ride wouldn't be too awkward and silent.

"What do you mean?" I question as I look down at the ground— we were pretty high up and I had a slight unsettled feeling in my gut— I'm more of a walk and no fly person. Also, me personally, I don't object to having small talks at all. I prefer those over anything to be completely honest.

"Isn't it obvious? You're riding with the infamous Drunkard Witch~!" Vanessa explains her title but I'm still a bit clueless as to what this could mean...

"Now, I wouldn't say I'm living under a rock or anything... but I have never heard that title before." I reply truthfully before rubbing the back of my neck. This might all seem unbelievable, but I'm genuinely puzzled and I feel like a complete idiot for not knowing such simple titles.

"Eh? Oh really? I guess I should've told you something more simpler..." Vanessa was a bit surprised that I didn't know her alias that's 'supposedly well known'. Though, it makes me wonder if people actually call her that. "Then... have you heard about the Black Bulls at least? The logo is on my robe after all~!" Vanessa mentions with a kind look on her face. Even if I didn't know the most well-known things about this kingdom, Vanessa didn't mind it and kept her patience to explain everything out.

As she turns directions once in a while, I could then see a glimpse of a lone, big tree in the distance. Feeling the thrill rush through my body, I couldn't wait to land my feet on the ground again. I was genuinely surprised by how fast we managed to get to where we are.

Not realizing I've stayed silent for a little bit, I snapped my train of thought back to the conversation. Of course, I was still listening to Vanessa and the excitement was just a small distraction.

"Ah, I uh..." I processed what I've been told. "Yeah. Only a lil' bit." I added.

"A little, hm?" Vanessa's interest peeks as the conversation progresses. "Are you new to this region by any chance? Or are you from a different country? Just saying since you know so little about things around here." She states while not trying to offend me in a way.

"I've moved to this kingdom around a year ago or less so there's still a bunch of things to remember." I answered vaguely as my eyes kept its focus towards the tree in the distance.

Vanessa hums in response as we start to inch closer to the Glistening Field. My plan is to roam around the area since I didn't have enough time to actually explore it when I first spotted it. I'm not even entirely sure if there's a chance to see any dandelions bloom tonight nor should I even stay out here till midnight. Oh, but of course, boss would get really mad at me, who am I kidding?

"How long are you planning to stay at your destination?" Vanessa blurts out. Her pace while riding the broom begins to slow down.

"Not for long. Why?" I question as my eyes redirect to the side of Vanessa's face.

"You won't mind me watching over you, no? It's just so nobody or anything harms you while you do your business. Are you fine with that?" She requested with a bit of concern in her voice. Vanessa didn't mind having to stay back from her original duties. Assuming that it's a day off from her work, I hope I'm not being too much of a disturbance.

I shook my head as a reply but still decided to give a verbal response, "I don't mind. Though, I might stay there until 5:00 PM if that't alright with you."

"That's fine by me."

Soon enough, Vanessa starts to lower the broom down. I didn't realize it for a moment, but we were already at the Glistening Field. I take a quick look behind me and it appears that the Capital is no where in sight. When the both of us hovered slightly near the ground, I hopped off and took a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere left me at awe as I spun around while walking on the grassy floor. My eyes scanned the entire yellow and light-green tree and small hills as I felt my cheeks rise. The sun shining on the leaves gave it a shimmering gold look that I've never seen in my entire life before. It was truly a new experience and that is what made it breathtaking for me.

"Were you not able to explore this place completely before? You look pretty astonished to be here~!" Vanessa spoke out with a laugh as she watched me wander around the tree. I was like a little kid exploring a candy store for the first time.

"Nope, I've only caught a glimpse of it as I came here. Considering I was in a rush to get to the Capital, I didn't think twice about making a stop here." I replied.

"What were you in a rush for?"

"That's going to be a long story..."

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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