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'Harry, come on,' Y/n said, strolling after him the day after. 'Why are you ignoring me?'

Harry said nothing as he silently made his way up the grand staircase.

Y/n gave a sigh and grabbed his right wrist.

'Let me go, Y/n!' Harry exclaimed, despite him wanting not to.

'Oh, so you can talk! Great,' she said sarcastically, 'what's going on?'

Harry immediately went mute and made its way to the Gryffindor common room. He once again silently entered the common room.

'So, you're ignoring me now? What have I done?!' Y/n looked around the common room, but saw no one.

Harry didn't respond and angrily walked towards the stairs leading up to the dormitories. Just when he took his first step on the stairs towards the boys dormitories, Y/n grabbed his wrist and pulled him away.

'Harry, no! I won't let you go, until you tell me what I did wrong,' Y/n said loudly into the silence.

'You wanna know what you did wrong?!' Harry shouted, this was the first time Y/n had seen him angry at her so she stepped back.

'Gladly,' she said quietly, her usual confident self not present anymore.

'When were you gonna tell me you were a bully out of the 70's, huh?!'

Her eyebrows raised a bit, her eyes widened, but she softly began shaking her head with a quiet laugh. 'Harry, what are you talking abo–'

'Oh, don't give me that bullshit, Y/n, you know exactly what I'm talking about!' Harry shouted right in her face, and he didn't know it was the bad lightening, or just a trick of his mind, but in that moment he saw tears forming in her eyes.

'Harry, I can explain everything, but then you got to let me speak,' she began, but Harry'd heard enough, shaking his head furiously.

'I don't think I need an explanation why you were bullying Snape,' Harry said turning around.

'Is that what this is about?!'

'Yeah, that's what this is about, I saw Snape's worst memory, and guess what?! YOU WERE IN IT,' he shouted loudly.

'Harry, his goons raped me while he watched, LAUGHING, are you seriously buying this shit?!'


Y/n went silent as the tears started flowing. 'Harry, I never did anything to him, until,' her voice broke and she went quieter, 'I was raped,' her voice broke again. Harry watched silently as the tears flooded her eyes. 'I would've never done anything, I never did anything–'

'You did do something.'

'– until that moment. Normally I would hold Sirius and your father back whenever they wanted to do something, but I didn't this time, because I knew what he had done to me,' her voice broke and now she went silent, quiet sobs leaving her mouth.

'That doesn't give an excuse for being the bitch that you were,' Y/n gave no reaction, in fact she looked away with a roll of the eyes while the tears were still flowing.

'Fine, Harry.'

'No. Nothing is fine,' Harry shook his head stubbornly, 'nothing about this whole situation is fine. First you lied to me about –'

'Lied to you, I just didn't say it to you!'

'Now I find out you're a bully,' he continued, counting on his fingers, making Y/n raise her eyebrows.

The Lost One: Harry Potter x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now