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“Fucking move it, stupid omega.”

Felix snarls as he leans back, closing his eyes while he lets himself enjoy two pairs of wandering hands and warm bodies working on his pleasure.

One male omega and a female beta was currently doing wonders on his body, and Felix forced himself to feel something.

He fucking loved being an alpha, and all the nice things that comes along with it, especially being born in a family far up in the societal ladder. He always knew he'll present as an alpha since he was a kid, and so did his parents. He'd always shown proper traits of an alpha, and everyone favoured him because of that.

Felix was meant for great heights, and presenting as an alpha — the most superior of all in the hierarchy — he always knew he'll be unbreakable. Being a born leader with his intelligence, charisma and sly nature, he managed to lead his father's already powerful enterprise that he inherited into a massive empire. 

He's got it all. Looks, money, bitches. He could have everything with just a mere snap of his finger, and Felix relishes in that power. Being born at the top which allows him to have everything with the sky being the only limit, Felix takes pleasure in his glory.

The alpha was just feeling the boredom surging through the surface of his mind when he heard his phone ringing where he tossed it over the table with a lot of alcohol bottles, cigarettes and ashes sitting atop.

“Hey, you, get it for me.” He told the woman, and she followed without a word, retrieving his phone and handing it over to him.

He saw his brother's name on the caller ID. He slides the answer button, pushing the two away from him as he sprung up to his heels.

“What?” He barks, not happy to be interrupted in the middle of his massage, however dull it may be.

He heard Lee Minho laugh on the other line, making Felix's eyebrows furrow deeper.

Minho is older than him by two years, but even though he's the first born, the decision to pass Felix the business is unavoidable seeing as being a beta is not a good enough reason to secure such high positions in the society, no matter how competent and dependable you may be. 

In Felix's opinion though, his older brother is everything that they were looking for; they just all decided to turn a blind eye on it because for a reason that was obvious enough even for the dense to understand.

Minho was intelligent, business minded, and great in what he does — just like him which was quite understandable since even with the difference in subgenders, they still have the same genetics running in their bloods. But what makes Minho great is that, most of all, he's actually has his shit together — with his hobbies containing of learning new skills and acquiring more knowledge; whilst Felix spends most of his free time hiring whores to please him and relieve some stress, spending his money on luxurious things like sports car and fineries, living a lavish lifestyle, and more stupid things. 

If they weigh it, Minho is more suited to be the heir of his father's hard work, it just happened that Felix had the advantage in being an alpha.

Though even with being robbed from things, Minho never showed Felix any type of jealousy nor did he ever resent their parents for their unfair decision. After all, Minho is no fool. He knows how this world works, and the reality that he was living in.

The beta seems to already be happy with being the Executive Vice President, and Felix's advisor. And even though the alpha would never say a word of it until his death, he had great respect for Minho. He looks up to his hyung even when he acts like an entitled bastard most of the time.

But like he said, he'll never say it.

“I swear, I'm gonna end you –”

“Father asked me to remind you about the meeting tomorrow. You better end your play now and send your toys home, so you won't be late.” 

Felix sighs, his eyes darting at his manhood that was still very limp even with all the heated touches those two had been doing to coax his cock to life. They couldn't even spark his arousal. Stupid whores.

He'll be sending them home not because Minho said so. They're just both a waste of his time. They couldn't even do this simple task properly when they're supposed to be the best at this job? What a joke.

“Stop calling me.” He grumbles, but before he could turn off the call, his beta brother spoke once more.

“You can't mess this one up, Yongbok-ah. This person is extremely special. All our hard work will be for naught if you don't do this right. Your name, the company, everything that you value will disappear in plain sight.”

Minho was stripped bare from his playfulness now, which was rare, and it made a pang of curiosity rise up in the alpha's chest.

He turned to the beta and omega who were patiently waiting for him on the couch. The two were making out and feeling each other to make up for Felix's absence like some dogs in heat.

Felix whistles, getting their attention. He covered the phone speaker as he spoke, “Leave.” then headed for the jacuzzi, turning on his loudspeakers as he submerged his body to the warm water.

“Who even is this person? You keep telling me not to mess this up when you won't even tell me shit.” 

He heard the other sigh, and Felix was almost sure Minho was pinching the bridge of his nose. “I can't tell you much. All I know is that this person is not to fuck with, and they're darn irascible, so get your shit together and keep your arrogance in check.”

Rolling his eyes, Felix let out a huff. “Alright, whatever you say. I'm hanging up.” he turns the call off, tossing the device mindlessly.

All these conundrums when they could all just tell him right away. His parents told him that this meeting was bound to happen long before he inherited the business, but that's all the information that they gave him.

Felix had his conclusions, but they won't confirm nor deny any of it, and the alpha could only hope it's not some stupid mate-matching or he's really going to lose it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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