♡Chapter 1

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"Maa!! Are you sure about this matchmaking ceremony?" asked Karan Shergill, his voice filled with doubt.

"Yeah yeah!! I am very sure about it!! Karan, do you even see the girl's photo? She looks like goddess Lakshmi!! You don't know anything! Let me show you!" exclaimed Karan's mother, Rajini Shergill, eagerly.

"Mom, I am not interested. I don't wa-" Karan began to protest but stopped when his mother handed him her phone.

"Just look at it!!" Rajini insisted.

"Fine!" Karan irritably took the phone and glanced at the picture.

"WHAT THE- SERIOUSLY!!??" Karan exclaimed loudly, startling his mom.

"What happened, Karan??" she asked him worriedly.

On the other side,

"Maa!! Why all of a sudden? You didn't even inform me!! I am not ready for it," protested Monami Mahajan.

"Monu! We know them. They are very nice people, you don't even need to get worried! Get ready fast, they'll be coming," Monami's mother, Juhi Mahajan, replied calmly.

"But mom, just because you are saying I will see them, but if I don't like him, then I'll deny this relationship," Monami asserted firmly.

"Okay!! Now you get ready fast!" Juhi said, urging her daughter.

Juhi was about to leave, but Monami called her back.

"Maa, I didn't even see his picture. Please show me!" she requested.

"Oh, I totally forgot. Let me show you," Juhi said apologetically, handing her phone to Monami.

Monami took the phone and glanced at the picture.

She gasped in surprise.

"Is-is he the groom??" she asked, her voice filled with confusion.

Five Years Ago,

A balmy summer evening,

Karan was on his way home when he found himself stuck in heavy traffic. Frustrated by the lack of movement, he honked his car horn, hoping to encourage the drivers ahead to keep the traffic flowing. However, his efforts seemed to be in vain as no one seemed to be budging from their positions.

Curiosity piqued, Karan decided to investigate the cause of the traffic jam. He got out of his car and walked towards the commotion up ahead. As he approached, he noticed a group of people standing in the middle of the road, engaged in some sort of activity.

Intrigued, Karan moved closer to get a better look. It turned out to be a local charity program aimed at raising awareness and funds for underprivileged individuals in need of heart treatments. The group had organized a unique street performance to capture the attention of passersby and educate them about the seriousness of the issue.

Karan leaned against the sleek car parked beside him, captivated by its impressive performance. Impressed by what he witnessed, a surge of appreciation stirred within him, compelling him to contribute in some way.

As he began to make his way towards the performers, a girl with an infectious smile and an enchanting demeanor caught his eye. She exuded an air of joy as she approached the crowd, eagerly sharing her excitement about the performance.

Caught off guard by her radiant presence, Karan stood transfixed in his spot, unable to tear his gaze away from her.

Later on the event ends. Everyone started moving from the place but karan followed the girl.

He reached her and called her.

"Excuse me?" he said, tapping her lightly on the shoulder.

The girl turned back and saw Karan standing there with a warm smile.

"Yes?" she replied, curious to know what he wanted.

"This is Karan Shergill! I couldn't help but overhear about the charity event. I want to donate!" he said enthusiastically.

"That's really great! Thank you so much, Mr. Karan! By the way, this is Monami Mahajan. Nice to meet you," Monami replied, extending her hand for a handshake.

Karan shook her hand and returned the smile. "Pleasure to meet you too, Monami."

"I want to say something," said Karan, slightly hesitant.

Monami looked at him, intrigued. "Yeah?"

"I couldn't help but notice your radiant smile from across the road!" Karan confessed.

Monami blushed and giggled. "Oh, okay! Anything else?"

"I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable, but it deserves to be appreciated," Karan added sincerely.

Monami's smile grew wider. "Thank you! And also, it's kind of a decent flirting," she teased.

Karan chuckled. "No, not flirting, just a genuine compliment."

"Well, thank you again!" Monami said, genuinely touched.

"Mind if I join?" asked Karan, gesturing towards the charity event.

"Sure! It's always nice to meet new people at events like these," Monami replied, feeling a spark of excitement.

Karan smiled gratefully at her and together they headed towards the event.

As they arrived at the cafe near the event, Karan parked his car while Monami reached the cafe and secured a table.

They sat down and took in the pleasant atmosphere of the open-top shop, enjoying the beautiful weather.

"Shall we order some tea?" Karan suggested.

"Sure, Karan," Monami agreed, looking through the menu.

A friendly waiter came to their table, and they both ordered their favorite coffee and tea.

"So, what brings you to this charity event?" Monami asked, genuinely interested.

"Well, I've always been passionate about supporting causes that make a positive impact. How about you? What inspired you to be here?" Karan inquired, sipping his tea.

"That's wonderful. I feel the same way. I believe in giving back to the community and helping those in need. Plus, events like this bring people together for a good cause. It's a win-win situation," Monami explained, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Absolutely! It's amazing how charity events can create such a positive and uplifting atmosphere. So, Monami, what do you do when you're not attending such events?" Karan asked, genuinely curious about her life.

"I am a doctor, Karan. I work at Mahajan's Hospital," Monami shared proudly.

"That's really great! You must make a significant difference in people's lives,"

Karan praised, impressed by her dedication.

Monami nodded, appreciating his kind words.

"Thank you. It's challenging but rewarding work."

Their conversation continued to flow effortlessly as they discovered common interests and shared stories. The coffee date turned into a delightful exchange of ideas, laughter, and genuine connection.

Little did they know that this chance encounter at the charity event would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and perhaps even something more.

Here the chapter 1 completes.
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Whispers Of Heart

Sanjana Musinada

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