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    Something wasn't right.

    Everyone within the Mushroom Kingdom knew that the moment they had the earthquake. At first, everyone thought they were under attack onlythe shaking was felt throughout the whole kingdom. If there was an attack, they might have seen its army by now. The only damage from this event were some cracks that appeared in walls here and there, but that was it. Still, it was considered strange as the Mushroom Kingdom never experience earthquakes, even small ones.

    Because after all, earthquakes don't happen without some cause behind it.

    So to be on the safe side, the army was summoned to see if they could find the source of the quake. To see if it was caused by natural means, or not. They went from town to village, looking at the level of damage and to ask how strong the earthquake was for those that lived there. The reason being that the stronger it was, the closer to the source they may be. It took some time but everywhere they went, it was becoming more apparent that whatever caused the shaking, must be within the Mushroom Forest.

    "How do we know if we find it?" One of the Toad's asked.

    "Beats me," another shrugged, looking behind one of the towering mushrooms that fill the forest, "the general said to look for something that's out of place."

    "Like what?"

    "I don't know. Maybe a giant crack in the ground that wasn't there or the head of a giant robot. You know, something that stands out."

    "Like say a big golden pipe that's sticking out of a hill for no reason?"

    "I guess so? But why something that specific?"

    "Like the big golden pipe that's sticking out of the hill that I'm looking at right now?" the Toad pointed. The other leaned over to have a look it it. Pipes in the Mushroom Forest weren't uncommon, but it was odd to have one that's golden. Not only that, but the way it stuck out was though it was forced right out of the ground, splintering the side of a hill with dirt and rocks spew all around it.

    Nodding to each other, they could safely say that they've found the source of the earthquake.

    Fetching the general and the rest of the army, they showed them the strange pipe that had poked out of the hill. It was quite a large one too, one so big that three toadstools standing on the other's shoulders could reach from top to bottom. The entrance of the pipe was quite high off the ground. So much so that they had to get a ladder to just take a peek inside it. Whatever it was, this pipe was very long and deep that could go on for miles.

    The general too had a look at it. He was someone who was almost twice the size of any toadstool that had on a white uniform with metals pinned to his chest, a white hat, and a handlebar mustash under his round nose. Climbing up the ladder, he had a look inside the enormous pipe, humming thoughtfully while stroking his mushtash.

    "Do you think we've found it, general?" one of the toads asked.

    "I think so. An unknown pipe does stand out of place," Sliding down the ladder, he pulled out a talkie from his pocket. Pulling to extend the antenna to make a call. "Hello? It's me Your Highness, we found the source of the earthquake... A big golden pipe in the middle of the Mushroom Forest... Yes... Yes... Yes it is pretty weird... I don't know... We've just found it and no one has gone through it to see what's on the other side... Uh-huh... Uh-huh... For all we know, it could be an accident, but I'm going to see if that is the case... Of course, I'm going to go in, who else is going to do it? But... yes, I can handle it... Yes I'm sure I'll be safe doing it... I will... I will... I don't know, but I don't think it would take me long... Yes I've brought plenty of food and water with me... You don't need to worry over me so much, Your Highness, I can take care of myself. You know this... Of course I..." Sheepishly, he looked over his shoulder and said in a quiet voice, "Yes I... I love you too. I need to go. I'll call when I reach the other side. Goodbye."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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