Hanging out

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Mikey pov

I get up to feel pain, yeah that makes sense I say to myself.

I start walking to LH'S Bathroom, splash some water onto my face, LH then walks in and rests his chin on the top of my head

He starts the conversation by saying, "Good morning my darling" Oh my dear lord that makes my stomach turn I love it when he calls me that, he continues with "I hope you slept well" he stops for a moment and says "Do you what to do anything today if you don't have to go home?"

"I would love to hangout with my favorite person in the whole world!" I see his face flush with a light crimson color and he gives my a small kiss on the lips, I return it of course

We end up deciding to watch a movie.

LH pov

When watching the movie, Mikey falls asleep, He looks so peaceful and beautiful when he is asleep

A few moments later
I hear knocking, I know it's not the rest of my team because they are getting stuff for dr. Rockwell, so I get up but very carefully as to not wake Mikey up walk to the main entrance of our layer, and see donnie.


"Hello LH" Donnie says in a calm voice "I'm here to check up on Mikey, I told the guys and our dad that he would be staying here for a while, I hope that is ok."

I respond with "Of course he can stay here for as long as you or he wants to."

One I know it is short but Two I really wanted to just get a post out because it's been almost a month sooooooo, I hope you like the chapter what else should I do?

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