Chapter5-Eve talk

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Lee: hey baby can we talk to you for a sec please
Ev: Course, Whats up
Viv: We want to talk to you about Sex and
Ev: Wait the talk
Lee: Ye
Ev: Ive already had like half of it
Viv: We know but we want to talk to you about who you like and stuff
Lee: Can we ask you some questions please
Ev: Course

Lee: Do you know the risks of sex
Ev: Yes
Viv: Do you know what protections to use in sex
Ev: Ye
Lee: Do you have a certain Sexuality
Ev: Umm...Im...Lesbian

Viv and Leah hug her and tell her thats okay to be

Viv: Have you had sex
Ev: No
Lee: Do you want sex with someone
Ev: Um..Kind of
Viv: Do you have a crush or like someone
Ev: Yes
Lee: Do you want to tell us who
Ev: Umm...Its...Um...Your daughter

Ev: Ye

Lee: Is that who you want to have sex with aswell
Eva nods
Viv: Feels weird with me being here
Ev: Well you are her mum
Lee: And I am yours

Viv: Want to know a story mate
Ev: Sure

Viv: I broke up with my girlfriend and the tike who was Lisa Evans. I knew I was falling Beth whilst I was with Lisa and I knew it wasnt right for me and Lisa to continue. We both sat down and we talked about it, I told Lisa about my feelings for Beth and she told me that I should get close to Beth and see what happens. We got close and I kissed Beth, Said I loved her and she was the one who asked me to be her girlfriend. Now look we are married, have a kid who is your crush and we are having a happy life.
Ev: Wow, Thats an amazing story

Viv: What im trying to say is that you should talk to lilly and tell her your feelings
Ev: You think I should mum
Lee: I think you should hunny
Ev: Maybe on her birthday, its only in 2 days
Viv: I think that would be good, we can all leave u alone, its only us 4, Raffa and Kim Ev: Okay, I will, we can talk in her room
Lee: Alright

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