Nobody ever...

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Bullied me.

You would probably think that people hate me and bully for being different... Well, no. Not at all actually. They mostly dont even pay attention to me, not mean at all. I do what I want to do and they... Do whatever they do, i don't have any idea what it is because we don't talk with each other.

They always stay out of my way, just the way i like it. Nobody really talks to me too, the way i like it. Most people ignore me the way i like to be ignored.

But now there is a question that i just need to ask..

Can you be bullied by your parents?

I wanted to ask that anyone but i don't have friends, and good. I do not need anyone to help me actually. Id rather be
Alone, that's a lot quieter than with these loud people.

But still, is it possible to be bullied by your own mother?

She usually doesn't let me eat in the same room as her or my siblings, reminds me that im so different, sometimes doesn't want me in the house or actually occasionally kicks me out, blames me for the fact dad disappeared,mostly sells the fish i spent hours catching and more. I'm so damn tired of her walking all over me.

She apparently feels threatened by me being able to write, read and be calmer than any of the others. My siblings on the other hand are "normal" as if i weren't one of the youngest that needs attention. I have 4 siblings,

The oldest one is 26 years old, middle is 24, another 20 and youngest 13. I am 16 years old,and I'm pretty sure most of my siblings aren't even my father's, they appeared out of nothing, like my father told me. He's disappeared after the birth of
The youngest sibling.

I'm not even sure if I'm his, so don't think that i think I'm better. I'm guilty of making my father suffer like this because my mother just decided to cheat. That's probably why he disappeared, but that's okay, i didn't really remember him anyways.

On the topic... My mother is threatened because I'm smarter, and says I'm the one and only reason he left, i were an "cursed little nothing" ever since i were born. I hate her. I hate her so much.

But let's not get so emotional, we don't want this to be a sad little miserable vent. Dont we? I just want her to ignore me like the rest, it would be awesome i guess.
I never liked attention too, i wish she paid me less attention.

Please, ignore me..

Please, ignore me

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