The time when the sun blows (OLD)

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  Many questions remained unresolved about the sun. What year will the sun blow up? How long will it take? When the sun blows up will it wipe out Earth?

It's a good thing the star is not a blue type because blue stars are the hottest. They die fast from burning out all of their fuel because of their high temperature, which makes them short-lived stars. 

The oldest blue star is a subject of some debate. According to some sources, Methuselah, also known as HD 140283, is the oldest blue star, having existed for 16 billion years or more. Some claim that a blue star has a life span of millions rather than billions of years. 

Up to 0.5–2 billion years, or trillions of years can pass before a red star dies. It could become 100 to 1,000 times bigger than our sun throughout these trillions or billions of years. Red stars have a longer lifespan than other types of stars because they are the coldest.

I am aware that that sounds rather bizarre and out of place here on Earth. Red denotes heat, whereas Blue denotes coldness. Why does a blue star represent a high temperature while a red star represents a low one?

A desire that causes suffering.

They might have covered wavelength in eighth grade or later. if you are unfamiliar with what wavelength is. I'll explain. The distance between the trough and crest is known as a wavelength.

The highest point of a wave is known as its crest, and its lowest point is known as its trough.  Shorter wavelengths represent higher energy, while longer wavelengths convey lower energy. Due to their shorter wavelengths, blue stars release more heat and energy than red stars.  Exist their stars that behave in a manner akin to a blue star?

According to their lowered temperature, stars can be divided into seven categories. A, F, G, K, and M, as well as O. The three different kinds of blue stars, are O, B, and A. O has the highest temperature among blue stars, B is in the center, and A has the lowest.

The color F is the hue between blue and white. When O, B, and A are taken into account, it becomes fairly challenging. Since it contains both blue and white, light blue objects are referred to as sky blue. 

G is white or yellow. This one is unique due to the sun's designation as a G-type star. Nice, no? There are so many questions yet unresolved about space.

What follows a star of the G type? K is heading closer to the coolest star, turning from orange to red. The color of the red star, considered the coldest star, comes after K and is called M. 

Resuming the topic, Considering that the sun is a G-type star. How long can a G-class star live? A G-class star is thought to have a lifespan of between 10 and 15 billion years. According to estimates, the sun is 4.603 billion years old and has a diameter of 864,000 miles.

Since we are unsure about the sun's annual growth rate. However, we can estimate how long it will take the sun to erupt. After 10 billion years, the sun erupts.

It will take 5,397,000,000 years and in 15 billion years, 10,397,000,000,000 will have passed. Awesome, right? If the sun erupts, I wonder what will happen and whether humanity will survive.

Author note: When I have time, I'll rewrite this easy again because I notice some error mistakes and my calculation seems off.



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