Prologue: Before

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A young girl with fair skin sat at a wooden table happily munching on a bowl of bran flakes and blueberries. The bran flakes gave a delightfully crunchy texture and whenever she bit into a small rounded blueberry the tartness exploded across her tongue like a bomb bursting in her mouth. The sun was just beginning to rise on there 3rd story apartment. The apartment was small and cozy like a nest above the city. At night you could lay in bed and hear the city just beginning to wake up and the cars rushing along the road were very soothing to the soul.

She continued to munch on her cereal and gaze out the little window. She picked up a worn copy of The Little Princess and started to flip the pages to her favorite passages. She soon became lost in the wonderfully old fashioned plot and didn't notice when someone crept up behind her. He stealthily leaned forward and grabbed her sides. She squealed and twisted away.

"Patrick!" She burst out loudly, laughing. He bent down to kiss her softly on the forehead.

"The Little Princess again?" He questioned her thoughtfully.

She twisted around in the chair and faced him. She thoughtfully stared into his dark brown eyes and gave him a girlish grin.

" Yep,"she announced proudly, leaning forward to gently kiss his soft lips.

He grinned and tipped her chair back, making her squeal and latch her arms around his neck. He scooped her up easily and swung her around the kitchen. She giggled loudly and hung on tighter. They stared into each others eyes as happily as could be. She curled up into his chest and let out a sigh.

"I should probably go get ready for work," she said softly but didn't make any move to get up.

He held her closer and sighed as well. They would both be happy to just stay in bed all day kissing and snuggling closer but they did need money to pay for the huge wad of bills that were currently covering the table.

" If you must" he said dramatically and tossed her over his shoulder.

She gasped as she was hung suspended in the air for a second before falling onto his broad shoulders. She locked her thin long legs around his waist and grasped his hands. She leaned forward so that her head was level with his left ear. She softly kissed it and smiled when he groaned. He pushed into their bedroom and flipped onto the bed. He landed over her and smiled and she reached up to twine her hand in his tawny hair.

"Maybe just one more kiss," she said impishly.

He rolled his eyes but still bent down. He gently kissed her nose and then leaned forward to kiss her small, rose colored lips. She pulled away and saw her look of wanting mirrored in his eyes. She gently pushed him aside and climbed to her feet. She gave him a happy smile and went off to get ready.

She didn't know that when she got home that evening a terrible tragedy would've occurred, leaving her 18 year old self to collect the pieces of her broken heart. She would come home to a disaster that she couldn't pick up from. She would soon learn that a broken heart was a relative term. To anyone who has suffered loss knows that its more like a broken soul.

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