Chapter 14

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The green expansion swelled her heart, bursting a tear trickling down her cheek as she absorbed in the glimmering surrealness before her. Though grey hued on everything, a small intense circle of light shone on the middle of the field. It gradually expanded as time passed with her sitting on the bleachers. That used to serve him as a spotlight.

She saw him clearly, ready to kick for a goal. He was no doubt the best around. "We could've left this place and we didn't have to spend a single cent."

She sat alone amidst the people-less of the school. She'd come too early. Too early after the event at least.

The circle spread evenly on the well-trimmed grass by the time students barged through the doors. They kicked the ball to each other, until their heads shot up to see the lone girl shadowed in the stands. They stared with surprise on their faces that she was there-- and she wasn't crying.

That fact left her wondering as well. All those times she thought she'd be on her knees gushing pools once she stepped outside, but here she was relaxed and welcomed the mellowness that came with every memory. It was all the same for her. The night before and how things were now. The rush of memories. She knew she could stay there forever like last night. She never wanted to leave.

"Marie!" a warm voice yanked her out of her world. She looked below. It was Zach.


An unsure twisted smile pasted on his face. Her mind returned to her friends, of what they thought about coming back to these places. She'd completely forgotten about them and their attentive care for her. She immediately stood up and met him half way down the stairs. She gave him an assuring beam. 


"Uhm..." His features shifted now that she was up close. Uncertain which emotion he should be showing. His face contorted with the confusion. "It's... lunch," he said simply. 

She glanced at her watch. "Oh, I didn't notice." She took the steps down, "come on."

Adrianna greeted them as they approached the table. "Heeey you're late. We've been looking for you. Last time we saw you was after we all passed out. You weren't even answering your phone. We don't know if you got home alive or dead! Now you barely have time to eat." She pushed her tray to Marie, "here." A sandwich laid untouched. "To let everyone of you know that I am trying the diet program."

They all snickered, except for Zach. 

"It's okay, you know I don't eat much."

"But I do, so have a bite"

She did the same time the bell rang. "Better hurry up, Rie," Jen teased, picking up her things. 

The group walked together until Marie and Aid reached their classroom, leaving Zach with Jennifer.

"Are you okay, Zach?" she asked beside him in laboratory class. He had that baffled expression ever since he came back with Marie.

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