Chapter 15

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Things remained the same. She continued visiting the places without any hindrances. She would, once in a while, tear up, but as someone with grief, who wouldn't? That was why she situated herself high up on the bleachers for the ones below not to see.

In some occasions, part of her expected to see him standing in the middle calling her out to play. 

It became a routine. Her expectations and bane imaginations. Her rippling back to reality. And the calm acceptance of the truth. 

He's gone.


The fourth time Marie found herself engulfed in the shadows of the forest, she held an LED flashlight in hand, a stick to part through thick branches, and a compass. With each try, she scrounge herself farther and farther away from the starting line. Maybe this time she'll find the place.


"At last, the chance had come for us to shake the hands of the former Kings," the woman with fierce daunting features and piercing red irises greeted Vladimir and Stefan. She took their hands into her own then allowed the man beside her to grasp them as well. Both sinister faces bore wide sneers, exhilarated to jump into their bloodlust from where they balanced themselves high up the thick branches.

This made Stefan grimace at Jay.

"Adela. Iancu," Jay appeased. "As both of you would have guessed by now, we are about to start--"

"We are well aware." Adela faced Vladimir, ravenous. "After what these Kings had done."

"It was not much," Stefan said nonchalantly with a tinge of annoyance. He grew irritated at how much these vampires saw their involvement.The way they speak of what we have done... We have done nothing but murder a few Volturi guards. Not even close to what we so dreadfully desire.

From a distance, all five vampires caught the sound of a foot crunching leaves.

"It is someone's unlucky day." Adela cheered to Iancu as they sensed the human's blood gushing so rapidly through its veins then spreading out through the whole body. They smelled her heart bursting red juicy blood.

Truly unlucky, I must say, Vladimir thought.

When the human came out of the darkness, Vladimir almost slipped off the branch. No wonder the scent smelled intensely familiar. The blue eyed woman that left me sunk in memories of sorrows and loss. 

However, looking at her now no longer had the same effect.

But my heart still remembers: the blow, the force, the pressure. His gaze never left her. Something had evidently radically changed. Her face glowed brighter. Her cerulean eyes twinkled. Her mouth teased upwards at the corners. 

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