Chapter 1- The Start

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Kay sooo. This my first story written on here. Its about a girl named Andrea Nelson who is an under the radar model who encounters Justin Bieber at a bar in LA. Okay here we go.


Andrea POV

Its my birthday and I have the worst head ache ever! But I'd rather not tell my friends why. They wouldnt understand at all. They have all come from rich, spoiled and functioning families. They have a hard time comprehending when I dont like to blow unnecessary amonts of money. Dont get me wrong. Modeling in LA has paid off.. Alot actually. Im afraid to lose it.

"Anndreeaa! Happy freaking birthday beautiful!" Natalie squeaked half way across the V.I.P section at the club.

Natalie was the baby of the group. She and I met when I was a cheerleader around 13 and have been best friends since then.

"Thanks Nat" I said in my best fake, happy voice. When suddenly my eyes were covered by soft familiar hands.

"Guess whooo Birthday Queen?" A soft voice cooed in my ear. It was so obvious.

"Mmn. Its Tasha." I said sighing. Tasha always did the whole cover your eyes thing. Predictable.

Soon three more people I trusted from the agency came in. They brought ballons and gift bags in my honor. I wasn't interested. Not in the least bit. I want to go home and sulk. I don't need a birthday party anymore. This is my 20th birthday. They need to grow up.

I sat and watched people gather and drink.

"Hey, birthday girl, why so down?" I heard Danni ask me. She was loud and poured way too much alcohol in one cup. Yeah, she'll be the first one drunk.

"Im not down... I'm tired, thats all." I was obviously lying but she still handed me the plastic cup filled with alcohol. She gave me a sympathetic look then told everyone to gather around the V.I.P. lounge.

"Well I have very exciting news!" Danni said as the rest of the models surrounded her and I at the fancy black and white couch in the V.I.P. Lounge.

"Guess who is rumored to be headed to this club RIGHT now!" Her deep brown eyes were plastered with excitement as if she knew I would be totally excited about her news.

"JUSTIN BIEBER!" She said slowly but still lively. Everyone stared at me as if I was supposed to be overcome with sudden joy. For who? Justin Bieber? No, he's not particularly my type. Big ego headed pop star, no thanks.

"Really?" I questioned faking happy again. That's gonna get old.

"Maybe you could make a move on him!" Tasha said flipping her long dark hair. Tasha is a definite diva. But she's the good kind.. if a good kind of diva exists.

"Maybe he would lighten your mood, Andrea. Yeah, maybe pull that stick out of your ass so we can celebrate your fucking 20th bday!! You're too young to be a stick in the mud. Get real. You're hot, you're a freaking gorgeous model. Get up and party like its your birthday!"

Everybody cheered and took dramatic toasts to Danni's mini speech. The party kicked up a notch and I kinda just sat in the background.

Yup, the perfect party for me. A bunch of drunk friends at a club. Nice. If you haven't noticed at this point, I'm very sarcastic. No shame here.


Suddenly the DJ at the club made an announcement that caused this high class club to go wild!


The crowd went wild.


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