Chapter 39- Nothing Makes Sense

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Justin POV

Driving a seperate way from Andrea was killing me. If anything, even the smallest incident were to happen to Andrea, I'd fucking kill the paparazzi. I'd give those assholes a  fucking story to remember!

Who ever did this- Ugghh!

My foot pressed on the accelerator as I continued to see vans and trucks filled with those scum bags following behind me. My irritation was starting boil further, absolutely everything was bothering me! It seemed like the other cars around me were driving purposely slow!! Causing my driving to be reckless. Cutting over as careful as I could, I seen flashes aimed at my car. Distracting, annoying and unfortunately

....A typical day in my life.

My heart sank thinking about what Andrea must be going through. She's never had to deal with being followed, let alone stalked by a large group of menacing men and women, all wanting to destroy her life with convoluted lies involving me. Only thing different is that this time everything is true.. I wish I could take back the fame- not the good parts about it, just the shitty people and haters. The people out there that's just waiting on me to fall flat on my face. I wish that I didn't get some of the negative attentions that came with this industry. The last thing I wanted was for Andrea to get pulled into the media, into the destructive ways of tabloids and journalists whose pure purpose is to tear down images of stars like me. No, not everyone is like that, but at this point in my career I've learned to keep my guard up, don't let anyone new in. I've experienced all the hate a person could actually bare in one life time, I have read the rumors in the tabloids. I know the disappointments that the fans went through reading some of the lies. Now that this time its true, I don't know what possible defense I could take on the accusations.

On the one account that it's TRUE!

I don't know who told. Only a handful of people knew, and I trust the people who knew. It just doesn't make sense. None of this makes any sense. I haven't been out publically in forever, and Mileys party was strictly private. This is bad, I need to get to Scooter.

I had finally lost sight of the paparazzi, amazingly avoiding being pulled over the police. I was on my way to Scooter back in San Diego, where Andrea and I changed our fates forever. Its a distance away from Hollywood so I shouldn't get be caught on camera any time soon. Same location, different hotel. Its a much less tourist type of environment. I don't expect any pop-ups from anybody that I don't need to see. I was only taking calls from Scooter, there's no room for anymore mistakes. It hurts me that Andrea and I will have to be apart for more than a day, but at this point her safety is at risk. Our baby is at risk... And thats something I'm damn sure not willing to put on the line.

I just knew something wasn't right today... I could feel it...

Andrea POV

I was trembling by the time I had gotten home. I didn't want to drive directly home because someone might have followed me. Of course, why wouldn't I be easy to find, I was riding around in a ferrari! Not just anybodys ferrari either, it was Justin Biebers!

The adrenaline was still rushing through my veins and I was jumpy. My hair was a mess and I still had on Justins shorts. This is not at all like me! I would never walk around like this, I am never this emotional and I probably wouldn't have been nervous about the paparazzi if.. If it wasn't for Justin. I'm not applying blame, but I just don't know how to feel at this point. I was followed for an hour before I could lose the stupid stalkers, I still haven't gotten one call or a single text from Justin to tell me what's going on. Nothing is making sense for me. I mean, how could one night go from feeling like a fairytale to becoming the worst nightmare ever?

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