"Farewell.. for now."

22 2 2

"But, mom! We don't wanna move away! What about our friends!?" Zuzy cried.

"I'm sorry, honey, but i really need this job to support our family. You can communicate with your friends on your phone, right?" Mrs.Zebra said, trying to comfort the twins.

"But- it's just not the same! Right, Zee!?"

Zee stared at the ground, she wasn't sure how to react to the situation.

"See, mom!? She's speechless-!"

"Zuzy.." Zizzy interrupted, placing her hand on Zuzy's shoulder. "I mean, i can just drive you both here on vacations if you'd like."

"Zizzy, it's a 6 hour drive from our new house to Lucella.." Mrs.Zebra said.

"Oh.. well-"

"Whatever, i guess we'll just have to say our last goodbyes to our friends tomorrow then.." Zuzy said, walking back to her room. Zee follows shortly after.

"Soo.. when's dad coming home?" Zizzy asks awkwardly.

The next day...

Zee and Zuzy had already said their goodbyes. They hugged their friends one last time before leaving their classroom, since it was dismissal.

"Zee, i'm gonna use the bathroom. I'll just wait for you outside, okay?" Zuzy said, as she was about to exit the room.

Zee nodded.

"Alright then." She smiled before walking out of the classroom, leaving Zee and Georgie by themselves.

Georgie shoved his notebook in his bag, as he got up to leave. However, he was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist.

He turned around to find Zee, staring dead in his eyes.

"Oh, Zee. Do you need anything?"

She handed him a note.

"Um, what's this?"

It was a letter, written last night. It said;

" Dear, George

Thank you for being a great friend of mine, i'm honestly not sure what i would do without you. All this time, the only person who seemed to truly understand me was Zuzy. I didn't think anyone else could read my mind the way she did. But you proved me wrong. I've never met a boy like you. You never left my side and always asked if i was okay whenever i act slightly different. You always talked to me even when i can't talk myself and express my thoughts and opinions like you.

Our relationship is the last thing i'd want to ruin. But there's something that i've been meaning to tell you, ever since we got close.

I'm in love with you, Georgie. I just can never get my mind off you. I want to spend my entire life with you. Everytime you approach me, i always get butterflies in my stomach. Your personality, the way you talk, the way you treat me and my family, i just love. Your flaws, your mistakes, i still love. No matter what you do.. i'm. Still. In. Love.

And it'll stay like that until the end of my life. I want you and only you. I could never fall in love with anyone else. I just want you. All of you.

I'm only telling you this now because i'm scared that you won't feel the same way. But it won't matter now, since this is the last time we'll probably see each other.

I hope we cross paths again.

From, Zee "

Georgie looked up at Zee, who seemed to be holding back tears.

"Crossing Paths" // Zee x Georgie // PiggyWhere stories live. Discover now